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有两名赛跑选手因虚脱而倒下了。Two of the runners collapsed in a state of prostration.

长期的焦虑导致她的神经衰弱。A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration.

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由于曝晒或过热而导致突然腑倒。Sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat.

小资都有轻微的神经衰弱症。The small property all has slight of nervous prostration disease.

每天早晨拜一个大忏也有助于我控制脾气。Doing a set of prostration every morning also helps me to control my temper.

流感主要症状为发热、肌痛、头痛、咽炎、咳嗽及疲劳等。Influenza is characterized by fever myalgia headache pharyngitis cough and prostration.

我最近状态不好,身体虚弱,拜两三个忏、诵一部经就觉得身体很虚,有点迷糊。We suggest that you should do three sets of prostration every day and then read the Sutra.

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护理过程中采取平卧、小侧卧交替的方式即可达到减压目的。The pressure of pressed position were descended by alternative prostration and lateral position.

起来,脱离环境加予你的压制和悲凄,活出新的生命!Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you— Rise to a new life!

由于出发时他就已经疲惫不堪,现在几乎是气息奄奄了。As he was already quite worn out when we started, his condition now seemed one of great prostration.

意识形态上的反动的例子可以举出好多,它们又多半都带有委靡不振的形式。One could indicate a great many examples of ideological reaction, most often taking the form of prostration.

目的结合药理实验寻找抗厥脱有效部位。OBJECTIVE To search for effective location for treating syncope and prostration with pharmacological experiments.

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结论使用CPAP治疗新生儿急性呼吸衰竭效果显著。Conclusion A significant effect had been achieved by the application of CPAP on neonatal acute respiration prostration.

由于这一温度和湿度的水平在桑拿,你会发现,往往热衰竭和中暑,就可能发生。Because of this temperature and the level of humidity in the saunas, you will find that often heat prostration and heat stroke can occur.

利用侧伏规律进行深部找矿、寻找平行脉和新类型金矿是个后主要找矿方向。By using regularity of lateral prostration to find parallel vein and new type gold deposit in deep is the orientation of prospecting from now on.

目的观察标准疗法与传统常规疗法治疗心力衰竭的疗效。Objective To observe the differences on curative effect between standard therapy and traditional and conventional therapy on myocardium prostration.

马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。Disciple jui khin yeo of kuching sarawak malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of medicine guru buddha.

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马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。Disciple Jui Khin Yeo of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of Medicine Guru Buddha.

“谢谢,谢谢,”基督山说道,他从那位管家失魂落魄的样子上判断出,他不能再把弦拉紧了,再紧便有绷断的危险。"Thanks, thanks," said Monte Cristo, judging from the steward's utter prostration that he could not stretch the cord further without danger of breaking it.

大觉寺里连落花都很美。蒋扬噶玛喇嘛有一天还集了一捧放在他做大礼拜的板子上,也是赏心悦目的供养。Even the fallen flowers are serene and pretty in Mahabodhi. One day Jamyang Karma Lama gathered a handful placing on his prostration board as cute offerings.