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好,那我们又该如何使用这个测算标准呢?OK, but how we can use this metric?

这个女子可以使用他的米尺。The woman could use his metric ruler.

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公制术语定义的长度单位。A metric unit of area equal to10 ares.

这是一个没有标准的区别。This is a distinction without a metric.

1公吨约等于1.1吨。A metric ton is equal to about 1.1 tons.

后来它放弃将后者作为其“个性”财务指标。It later dropped that as its featured metric.

公制或英制读反可用。Metric or imperial reading counter available.

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个人储蓄率是个很不靠谱的度量方法。The personal saving rate is a very poor metric.

总是有一个度量指标能够说明问题的。There’s always a metric that makes a difference.

中国从什么时候起使用公制度量衡的?Since when has China been using the metric system ?

公制单位是国际通用的计量单位。Metric unit is a measuring unit used internationally.

可选择公制或美国的标准单位,以及UTM。Selectable Metric or US Standard units as well as UTM.

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该限制是略低于一万三千吨。The limit is just under thirteen thousand metric tons.

然后讨论了度量空间M的取法。It also discusses the method of gaining metric space M.

我们每年可回收约96,000公吨的塑料。We recycle about 96,000 metric tons of plastic annually.

请电报5吨核桃仁的价格。Please make us a cable offer for 5 metric tons of walnut.

大多数国家采取米制,他的国家也是这样。Most countries adopt metric system and so his country did.

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百升公制固体容量或体积单位,等于100升。A metric unit of dry capacity or volume equal to100 liters.

如果没有定义指标组,就会列出所有指标。If there is no metric group defined, all metrics are listed.

INA推力滚针轴承的型号由公制和英制的设计而来。Thrust needle bearings type comes in metric and inch designs.