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滴鼻剂常可缓解鼻腔充血。Nose drops often relieve nasal congestion.

过度使用可能会导致反弹鼻塞。Over-use can cause rebound nasal congestion.

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气喘,鼻塞或呼吸困难wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing

公交站点是交通拥挤的常发地点。Traffic congestion often occurs at the bus stop.

苦涩的滴剂或喷剂亦可缓解充血。Saline nose drops or sprays also ease congestion.

而且还有拥堵费和其他的收费,And with the congestion charge and everything else,

过度频密的赛程开始在各地成为一个问题。Fixture congestion is becoming a problem all round.

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第3节说明了它的拥塞控制算法。Section 3 explains its congestion control algorithm.

他对市区交通的拥塞程度深感遗憾。He deplored the extent of traffic congestion in urban areas.

更重要的是电动车可以免除养路税以及伦敦的塞车税。And they are exempt from road tax and London's congestion charge.

驱散淤血,止住疼痛,促进血液循环。Stop congestion and bleeding. Promoting the circulation of blood.

极力推荐给那些鼻窦阻塞和头痛的人使用。I highly recommend Congest Away for sinus headache and congestion.

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先判断路径上是否存在随机过饱和拥挤点。The random over-saturated congestion point is identified at first.

因为如果你住在市中心,拥堵费就要一大笔钱。because there's a big congestion charge if you live in the centre.

太阳穴偏头痛及鼻塞,经痛均有效。Good for temporal migraine and nose congestion and menstrual cramp.

他的症状有头痛、鼻塞、打喷嚏。His symptoms were pounding headaches, nasal congestion and sneezing.

公共交通减少了交通拥挤和由此产生的污染。Mass transit reduces traffic congestion and the pollution it generates.

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抑制冗余NAK能有效地避免拥塞出现。Suppressing redundant NAK can effectually avoid the network congestion.

从控制理论的角度研究了一种基于速率的拥塞控制方法。A rate-based congestion control method is proposed using control theory.

在很大程度上缓减了地面交通拥挤的状况。It helps a great deal to reduce the congestion of ground transportation.