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造船用门式起重机是起重机的一种。Shipbuilding gantry crane is a crane.

他在那里学了造船He learned shipbuilding there as well.

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我们要以这一新法案重整英国的造船业。Britain's shipbuilding with this new Bill.

造船工业。救火水管。双铰链卷盘。Shipbuilding. fire hose. double hinge reels.

在造船方面英国已落到日本后头了。Britain has fallen behind Japan in shipbuilding.

福安市马头造船有限责任公司。Ma Fu'an shipbuilding limited liability company.

中国船舶工业有着悠久的历史。Chinese shipbuilding industry has a long history.

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诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的造船部门是合同主承包商。The company's Shipbuilding sector is the prime contractor.

南方的造船业正在迅速发展。The shipbuilding industry of the south is rapidly expanding.

中国造船业的优势在哪里?。What Are the Advantages of the Shipbuilding Industry in China?

新十年的造船业谁主沉浮?。Which country will win the shipbuilding industry in new decade?

变革和优化造船模式是船舶工业的永恒主题。It is a permanent subject to change and optimize shipbuilding mode.

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我们相信中国的造船业将会有更大的发展。We believe that China will make still greater progress in shipbuilding.

船舶工业已成为舟山的支柱产业。The shipbuilding has become the mainstay of industries in Zhoushan City.

东博国际机床展为此牵线搭桥,推波助澜。EASTPO is the bridge connecting machine tool makers and shipbuilding makers.

马相莉拿起手套看了看反正面,向身边的工友张红岩讲。Ma Li looked anyway, pick up the glove side to side SHIPBUILDING workers say.

造船龙门起重机结构型式分为单梁和双梁。The structure of shipbuilding gantry crane has single and double girder types.

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建于公元1200年,该城市是一个海港和造船中心。Founded c. 1200, the city is a port and shipbuilding center. Population, 86,873.

中国造船工程学会理事长王荣生发表重要讲话。Chinese shipbuilding project learns director Wang Rongsheng to publish serious talk.

本文研究的成果已经在外高桥造船公司得到了初步实践。The method has already been carried out in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.