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他的托福考试勉强通过了。His TOEFL has squeezed in.

我托福考试成绩很高。I got a high score on TOEFL.

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是的,我已经考过了托福。Yes. I’ve passed the TOEFL test.

她将重新报名参加托福考试。She was going to reenter for TOEFL.

是的,你得考托福。Yes, you hve to tke the Toefl test.

你有雅思或是托福,赛达成绩吗?Do you have the IELTS, TOEFL or SAT score?

要获得入学,托福的最低分是多少?What's the minimum TOEFL score for odmissionc?

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托福是测试英语作为一门外语的水平考试。TOEFL is the Test of English as a Foreign Language.

好好利用这本书会让你托福考试顺利过关!Use the book to pass TOEFL test with flying colors.

我考过托福,我的分数是620。I took the TOEFL and received a score of 620 points.

你决定什么时候考托福考试了吗?Have you decided on when to take the TOEFL examination.

那些考托福失败后才懂得的事。Something you will only get after you fail to pass TOEFL.

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还有很多,你可以在官网上找。目前我没有见到不能免托福的情况。That means a master degree from UK is enough for TOEFL waiver.

我们对托福的最低要求是网考79分。The minimum requirement for TOEFL we have is 79, Internet-based.

了解如何提高在两周内你的托福成绩20-40分。Learn to improve your TOEFL iBT scores 20-40 points in two weeks.

总的来说,研究生分数线要求托福分数至少575分。In general, the graduate division requires a TOEFL score of at least 575.

托福考试与托业考试均是由美国教育考试服务中心研发的考试产品。The toefl and toeic tests are developed by the educational testing service.

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托福和写作成绩必须高于我们最低的入学要求。TOEFL and TWE scores higher than the minimum, would be strongly recommended.

最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取。Lovers end-to high TOEFL and GRE scores were admitted at Columbia University.

雅思还有一个口语部分,与托福的全部笔试截然不同。The IELTS also has a speaking section, unlike the paper version of the TOEFL.