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你太多愁善感了,伊坦。You're too sensitive, Ethan.

恐龙伊桑帮他的朋友们盯梢。Dinosaur Ethan on a lookout for friends.

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她问爸爸有没有直接和伊森通话。She asked if her dad had spoken to Ethan directly.

上个周末,郭梓淇帮奶奶做奶酪蛋糕。Last weekend, Ethan helped granny make cheese cake.

伊坦·亚伦·郝雷那宁静、朦胧、内省的一天已经完结了。Ethan Allen Hawley's quiet, dim, and inward day was gone.

但我们不能让伊桑对阿米莉亚的事说三道四。But we can't have Ethan running his mouth off about Amelia.

他们开始使用树脂版或者用激光雕刻来制版。They began to use resin version or laser engraving to ethan.

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她这样一会儿一种情讯,叫伊坦时而灰心,时而高兴。These alterations of mood were despair and joy of Ethan Frome.

她这样一会儿一种情绪,叫伊坦时而灰心,时而高兴。These alternations of mood were the despair and joy of Ethan Frome.

乙醇是用在百分之十的共混物与汽油制造乙醇汽油。Ethan ol is used in 10 percent blends with gasoline to create gasohol.

伊森边走路边看美眉时,竟一头撞上了一颗树。Ethan walked right into a tree when he was staring at a beautiful girl.

分别的那天晚上,我问了威尔,不久就跟伊桑分手了。I kissed Will the night before he left and broke up with Ethan soon after.

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伊桑喜欢功夫电影,但乔却认为那是无趣的娱乐。Ethan loves kungfu movies, but Joe thinks they are just vapid entertainment.

我年轻时,跟一个叫伊桑的家伙谈过恋爱,他真是对我百般挑剔啊。When I was younger, I dated a guy named Ethan who was really critical of me.

谁是伊森哈斯?我们还没有找到这种神秘的病毒在比赛现场进行。Who is Ethan Haas? We have yet to find out in this mysterious viral game site.

毫无疑问,伊森傲慢的神态在那个特定的时刻吸引过她。And Ethan undeniably had the arrogant look that attracted her at that point in time.

进了健身房,阮经天会尝试诸如划船器、动感单车等各种有氧运动。Into the gym, Ethan Ruan attempts such as boating, spinning and other aerobic exercises.

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对阮经天而言,只要条件允许,随时随地他都会进行健身运动。Ethan Ruan as long as the conditions allow, his fitness will be conducted anytime, anywhere.

玛丽的手在下,伊坦把它握住,没有立刻就放。Mary's hand was underneath, and Ethan kept his clasped on it a moment longer than necessary.

在星期天举行的今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,导演乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟成为大赢家。Filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen were big winners at this year's Academy Awards ceremony Sunday.