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异性恋则完全是另一码事。Heterosexuality is quite another matter.

你认为什麽造成了你的异性恋?。What do you think caused your heterosexuality ?

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异性恋并非正常,普遍而已。Heterosexuality is not normal, it's just common.

也就是说,谁说的异性恋先出现?In other words, who says heterosexuality came first?

“同性恋”和“异性恋”不过是人类社会人为地下的定义罢了。"Homosexuality" and "heterosexuality" are artificial terms defined by human society.

人好有钱是异性恋又觉得我们漂亮的男人却又没胆量。The money so much a heterosexuality to feel again we beautiful man but have no courage.

你的异性恋意识是否可能源于对同性别者的神经质的恐惧?。Is it possible your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?

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你的异性恋倾向有没有可能是因为极度惧怕同性而造成的?。It is possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of people of the same sex?

在使用语言时不要暗示异性恋是“正常的”,而男同性恋或女同性恋是“变态的”。Don't use language which implies that heterosexuality is 'natural' and to be gay or lesbian is to be 'perverted'.

任何对于同性恋的研究都会不可避免地提及关于什么是异性恋的讨论。Any examination of homosexuality inevitably brings into the open implicit assumptions about what heterosexuality is.

异性恋者不来招惹我就不会冒犯到我,但是为何又有这么多的异性恋者试着要怂恿他人也变为异性恋呢?。Your heterosexuality does not offend me as long as you leave me alone, but why do so many heterosexuals try to seduce others into that orientation?

咨询师较低的需要倾向是攻击、表现、顺从、谦卑、异性恋,较高的需要倾向是省察、扶助、变异。The lower needs of the counselors were aggression, exhibition, deference, abasement and heterosexuality , the higher ones were introspection, nurse and change.

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同时,在一个男性主宰的社会里,女人情感独占的异性恋显得没有必要,也不必要抑制对父亲的爱。At the same time, in a male-dominant society, women's exclusive emotional heterosexuality is not so necessary, nor is her repression of her love for her father.

不论鲁卡与罗曼之间有或没有发生什么,鲁卡的研究常被用在反对同性恋的权力及支持将同性恋”转变”成异性恋。Whatever did or didn't happen between Rekers and Roman, Rekers' research has long been used to oppose gay rights and to support efforts to "convert" men to heterosexuality.

青春期的那些迷惑的日子都已经过去了,但是我发现自己陷入了悲伤之中——为曾经很可能变成异性恋而悲伤,如果可以,我决不会选择成为一个女同性恋。My confused prepubescent days are behind me, but I find myself in mourning – grieving for the heterosexuality that might have been. I would never have chosen to be a lesbian.

剧中,邱吉尔把殖民压迫和性别压迫并置,并采用了反串的戏剧技巧,进一步加深了性别压迫的主题。The author's artistic representation of gender and heterosexuality is reinforced by the merging of colonial and sexual oppression and the theatrical technique of cross-casting in the play.