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真是个会偷懒的家伙!How lazy.

他非常懒He was lazy.

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他们并不懒惰。He's not lazy.

我是个懒骨头。I'm a lazy bone.

不要这样懒惰。Don't be so lazy.

他们太懒惰了。They are too lazy.

不要再懒惰啦平子!Don't be a lazy Libran!

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移动你的懒屁股。Get off your lazy arse.

快起来,懒骨头.Get up, you lazy bones.

他懒于学英语。He was lazy in English.

猪很沃,而且嬾惰。Pig is very fat and lazy.

我们是金贵的,也是慵懒的。We are precious and lazy.

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少年懒惰,老来贫苦。A lazy youth, a lousy age.

工程师们都是会偷懒的。Engineers are pretty lazy.

主意不错但是人太懒了!Good idea but lazy people!

她懒惰,逃避工作。She is lazy and shuns work.

他倒不笨,只是懒。He is not stupid, just lazy.

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他太惰了也不起劲。He is too lazy to work hard.

她父亲懒懒的瞥了她一眼。Her father gave a lazy leer.

事实上,这并不十分偷懒。It’s not VERY lazy actually.