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这种认识可能在他们一生中随时会产生。This realisation could come at any time during their lives.

这是SOA成功实现的前提条件。This is the pre-condition to the successful SOA realisation.

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或许有一天,这些决断力的落实终会到来。Perhaps one day the realisation of these decisions will dawn.

但是我拒绝把它们称作自我的实现与自我的满足。But I refuse to call the realisation of self, self-sufficiency.

对于我来说,意识到这一点是最显著的突破之一。For me, that realisation is one of the most significant breakthroughs.

只有我们以“原谅”的方式才可以释放过去。Only a realisation of this along with forgiveness will release the past.

他的热情的做了一个预言,为实现他的目标。His enthusiasm for doing so augurs well for the realisation of his goals.

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人们可能在任何年纪患上厌食症,这实在是让人醍醐灌顶。It was quite a realisation that people could develop anorexia at any age.

人们知道在这里有许多孩子上不起学。This was the realisation that many children here can’t afford to go school.

波尔顿说,“对许多女人来说,这是一个非同一般的觉醒时刻。"It's an extraordinary moment of realisation for many women, " says Polden.

但在宫廷内部,人们已渐渐意识到变化将至。Within palace circles, however, there is a dawning realisation that change is coming.

随着对这个认识地不断加深,我的那些表面上的恐惧就都自己消失了。As this realisation began to sink in, my surface fears began to fade away by themselves.

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我不这样认为——这就是启蒙需要完全实现无私的原因。I don’t think so – which is why enlightenment requires realisation of selflessness in full.

这也许是想要实现印度独立的第一个尝试。This was perhaps the first attempt at a reverential realisation of India as our motherland.

然而,能否实现上述潜在增长率,将取决于如何管理总需求。The realisation of this growth potential will depend, however, on how aggregate demand is managed.

在最终判断理念是否被实现之前,应被允许多长的时间?How much time should be granted before a verdict is rendered regarding the realisation of an ideal?

本文中经济的角度提出了城市土地所有权的实现对策。This paper puts forward the countermeasures of realisation of urban land-ownership in economic sense.

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这种认知曾把我带到新一重微妙的陷阱中,我为我感到过愧疚而负疚。And that realisation dropped me into a more subtle trap – I began to feel guilty about feeling guilty.

法定破产管理人会将你的资产进行变卖,并将所得向你的债权人进行支付。The Official Assignee will attend to the realisation of your assets and make payments to the creditors.

例如阶段计划,例外计划,团队计划,移交计划,利益实现计划等等。Examples are, stage plans, exception plans, team plans, hand-over plans, benefit realisation plans, etc.