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教父三部曲。The Godfather Trilogy 720p.

观看完魔戒三部曲的时间。The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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黑客帝国三部曲---凯瑞·安·莫斯Carrie-Ann Moss — The Matrix trilogy

他也发明了戏剧三部曲。He also invented the dramatic trilogy.

他像道斯·帕索斯那样写过一部三部曲。Like Dos Passos he did write a trilogy.

这本书开创了一个由五本书组成的系列。The book that kicked off the five-book trilogy.

最后一部分的气候的樵夫的三部曲。The climatic final part of the Woodman's trilogy.

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在曲式结构上,多采用三部曲式。In the musical form structure uses the trilogy type.

它在回到未来三部曲中被极好的特写了一番。It was famously featured in the Back to the Future trilogy.

作为这个精彩的三步曲的终结,双王记非常出色。The Two Thrones marks a fitting end to a fantastic trilogy.

不过,幸亏有前传三部曲,丘巴卡又回来了。Chewbacca nonetheless returned thanks to the prequel trilogy.

这部重磅电影是该三部曲电影中的第三部。The blockbuster is the third installment in the film trilogy.

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此书是刘墉先生以女儿为对象写的“成功三部曲”终结本。This book is the last one of Mr Liuyong 's "Success trilogy ".

三部曲中小模型的制作以及拍摄用去了988天。Miniature photography for the trilogy took up a total of 988 days.

因此,后人也称这后三部交响曲为“悲剧三部曲”。Therefore, the last three symphonies are called "thespian trilogy".

“血迹蔓延”是埃尔罗伊“美国黑帮三部曲”中的最后一部作品。“Blood's a Rover” is the final book of his “Underworld USA” trilogy.

他们将一起组成一个交相辉映的三部曲。And together they're going to form a trilogy which feed off each other.

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这个神秘人物的谜底到了三部曲的第三部才被揭开。The mysterious figure of the answer to the trilogy was only the third kick.

每一个三部曲结束之后,他还会送上一种名为“山羊剧”的喜剧。After each trilogy was concluded, he staged a comedy called a "satyr drama."

火星生命泛滥。水覆盖下的金星移居来一些漂浮的居住用的“岛屿”。如同地球上亚瑟。Space Trilogy. C. S. Lewis. A Mars rampant with life. A water-covered Venus p.