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壁虎与蜥蜴王国今天向你们问候。The Gecko and Lizard Kingdoms greets you today.

飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rainforest.

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同学们,你们听说过壁虎和爬山虎比赛的故事吗?Students, you have heard of gecko and Parthenocissus game story?

唯一的风险是,接下来你有可能要面对壁虎成灾噢。The only catch is, you might get a house gecko infestation next.

飞行壁虎飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rain forest.

巨型叶尾壁虎栖息于马达加斯加岛的蒙塔格尼。The giant leaf-tailed gecko lives in Montagne d'Anjanaharibe, Madagascar.

另一些懒猴在救援中心捕食壁虎以及鸟类。Others have been seen at the rescue centre hunting gecko lizards and birds.

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蟑螂急匆匆的从冰箱底下跑过去,壁虎在后面也努力的想要钻过去。He saw the cockroach scurry under it with the gecko far behind struggling to go under.

壁虎脚足与物体表面是完全的范德华力。Gecko seta operate on the surface of the substances completely by van der Waals forces.

他到了家,按照商店女营业员所说的那样把壁虎放了出来。He got home and did just as the woman at the store told him to do, and let the gecko go.

银河在裂缝顶部闪烁,夜行壁虎在捕食昆虫。The Milky Way sparkles above slit-topped canyons as a nocturnal gecko hunts for insects.

这种壁虎拥有翼膜,可以让自己从树顶的巢降落或滑翔下去。The gecko has a patagium that allows it to parachute or glide down from its treetop home.

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这种壁虎拥有翼膜,可以让自己从树顶的巢降落或滑翔下去。The gecko has a patagium that allows it to parachute orglide down from its tree top home.

我小心翼翼地将这只小壁虎带回家中,原想将它寄养在小瓶子里。I gingerly the little gecko home, the former would like it to foster care in the vial yard.

虽然壁虎每根刚毛产生的力量微不足道,但累积起来就很可观。Although the gecko setae of each power generated negligible, but accumulated very substantial.

通过蜥蜴城的计算机骚扰英雷克,并感受他们的愤怒?Mess with the Enclave on the Gecko computer and feel the wrath of the verti assault encounter.

在玻利维亚的马迪迪国家公园里,树枝上一只壁虎正蜕出它那极具伪装性的表皮。A gecko sheds its perfectly camouflaged skin on a tree branch in Madidi National Park, Bolivia.

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为了被钉住尾巴而不能走动的壁虎,另一只壁虎竟然在十年的岁月里一直不停地衔取食物喂它。For the gecko who can not move, and the other gecko has been non-stop fed it for a decade of years.

那天晚上他想尽了办法才把壁虎挡在房门外,随后就沉沉的睡去了。That night he did everything he could to keep the Gecko out of his room. He fell into a deep sleep.

壁虎脚底一根刚毛能够提起一只蚂蚁的重量,而使用全部刚毛就能够支持125公斤力。Gecko setae can bring a foot an ant's weight of all the setae on the use of 125 kg force to support.