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一瓶不响,半瓶晃当。A collection of topless jars.

在海滩上你能看到赤裸着上身的女人。You can see topless women on beaches.

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在另一张照片当中,一个坦胸的女子站在一棵树下。In another photo, the topless woman stands under a tree.

在其中一张照片上,两名袒胸露背的女子一起沐浴。In one photo, 2 women are seen bathing together topless.

男人在市中心打赤膊是违法的。It is illegal for men to go topless in the center of town.

她可是一个几乎袒胸露乳的脱衣舞女,公平吗?一个女孩子能做什么呢?Who is a topless stripper. Is that fair?What is a girl to do.

全身或上身赤裸在贫穷的巴尔干半岛国家仍然是被禁止的。Nudity and topless bathing are still taboo in the poor Balkan country.

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事实上,“无上装”女子也并非全是女权主义者。As a matter of fact, a female with "topless" is not entirely a feminist.

我得去与敌人更常见的裸露上身的水平之内。I have to go with the more common topless enemy within the level, The Temptress.

自上世纪60年代以来,袒胸日光浴在澳大利亚多数海滩极为普遍。Topless sunbathing has been common on most beaches in Australia since the 1960s.

夏季,在法国巴黎的海滩上,上身赤裸和穿丁字裤的日光浴者随处可见。Topless sunbathing and g-strings are common on real beaches around France in the summer.

这就是那张使无数船舶沉没,使高耸云端的巨塔焚毁的脸蛋吗?Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships, And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?

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大部分指控都和怀疑敲诈曼哈顿一家无上装俱乐部有关。Many of the charges stemmed from an alleged extortion scheme at the Manhattan topless club.

新南威尔士州卫生部长助理乔迪·麦凯认为禁止袒胸日光浴有些过分。NSW Assistant Health Minister Jodi McKay said banning topless sunbathing was a step too far.

2009年来自加利福尼亚的凯莉·普雷也曾因某些裸照而备受争议。In 2009, Miss California Carrie Prejean was widely criticized for posing some topless photos.

瑞秋是袒胸的女佣服务但最后两倍的家伙还没去过那里。Rachel works for a topless maid service but the last two times the guy hasn't even been there.

跟朋友一起日光浴如果是私人沙滩,不要介意不穿衣服晒太阳。Go tanning with your friends don't be afraid to sunbathe topless if you are on a private beach.

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也知道为什么弗拉基米尔·普京会成为性偶像,拍照片还赤裸上身握着鱼竿。It also explains why Vladimir Putin has become a sex god and poses topless with his fishing rod.

近日,章子怡与富豪男友在海滩享受日光浴时,被偷拍到身着比基尼的半裸照片。Zhang was caught sunbathing on a beach in a topless bikini with her multi-millionaire boyfriend.

在利物浦,女性不得在公共场合袒胸露怀,但热带鱼商店的店员除外。In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store.