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模型经后验差检验显示有很好的精度。The posterior error reification showed that the model had very good precision.

马克思是文化研究者,描述了今天日常生活中的异化和物化现象。Marx of the cultural studies who portrayed the alienation and reification of our daily lives.

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他的物化理论主要来源于晚期马克思、马克斯。His doctrine of reification is derived from the doctrines of the Marx, Max Web and Georg Simmel.

我国的行政诉讼证明标准应该具体化,使其具有可操作性。The standard of testimony in administrative litigation should be reification and maneuverability.

学生负担过重这一问题实质上是儿童生命的物化,教育自身的异化。The issue of students'overloaded burden reflects the reification of children and the alienation of education.

在此基础上,揭示他的社会理想以及他对物化的批判所具有的现实价值。Grounded on it, I will clarify the practical value of Marcuse's social ideality and his criticism about reification.

从“物化”及其现象入手分析当代市场经济社会,是一个重要而独特的视角。The phenomena of reification are one of the most important and unique viewpoints to analyze the market-directed society.

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行政文化是文化在行政领域的具体化,是行政管理的灵魂之所在。Administration culture is the culture reification in administration field, which acts as the soul of administration management.

为此,他们不知不觉地采用这种斗争的参与者,在语言,并促进各族裔群体的具体化。In doing so, they unwittingly adopt the language of participants in such struggles, and contribute to the reification of ethnic groups.

论文第三章“物化的世界”联系马克思、卢卡契等关于物化的理论阐释小说如何成为一个物化世界中的杰作。Chapter 3 "Reified World", on the basis of Karl Marx and Lucas' reification theory Remonstrates how the novel breaks the ties of material.

虚拟学习社区充分地利用了现代网络技术这个工具,打破了时空的界限,将开放式学习具体化。The virtual study community makes full use of modern Internet, breaks the limit of time and space, and makes the opening study reification.

前者的具体化可通过引用证据加以证明,后者的具体化则一般需通过法律解释或价值补充等手段加以实现。The reification of the first type can be proved by evidences, but only by legal interpretation or value supplement, can we reify the second.

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英语课时目标是英语课程目标、单元目标的进一步具体化,是最具操作性的教学目标。English classroom objectives make further reification of English curriculum objectives and unit objectives and they are most-easily-operated ones.

汉代画像石作为墓葬建筑材料和艺术品,是汉代丧葬风俗的物化系统。Being a building materials and works of art, Han dynasty stone with portrait engraved on is the reification system of the Han Dynasty burial customs.

从宪法的国际层面来看,目前世界各国的环境权立法已经呈现出宪法化、公民权化和具体化的趋势。Viewing from the constitution, the lawmaking in environment right in global countries shows the trend of constitution, citizen right and reification.

如将物化、对象化和异化二个概念相等同,将物化理论人本主义化,并把恢复无产阶级的阶级意识视为消除物化的唯一途径。For example, reification was equated with alienation, and resuming proletariat class consciousness was regarded as the only way of getting rid of reification.

研究结果表明,信息素养理论是设计中小学英语教师ICT技能体系的理论基础,ICT技能是信息素养理论的具体化。The relationship indicates that, information literacy is the theoretical foundation to designing ICT skills, whereas ICT skill is the reification of information literacy.

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马克思创立科学历史观、超越人本主义哲学视野之后,提出了一种不同于其早期异化理论的物象化理论。After his establishment of the scientific and anti anthropocentric concept of history, Marx proposed his reification theories different from his early viewpoint of alienation.

它基于对人脑的模拟,是知识表征和将放射性思考具体化的方法,特别有利于日益为众多人所关注的符号表征层次的知识学习。It's a token of knowledge, a measure of Radiant Thinking' reification and especially useful to learn symbolic level knowledge, which has been focused on by more and more people.

在当前的环境下,应以价值最大化作为高校财务管理的总目标,实现筹资、投资、成本、分配管理的具体化。In current environment, universities should take maximal value as its general objective to realize the administrative reification of financing, investment, cost and distribution.