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陷阱九化好妆后再用热风吹头发。Sirocco of the 9 reoccupy after making up boasts catch hair.

本机分为盘式用热风旋转炉烘烤与隧道炉直接烘烤。Use sirocco disc spinning machine into the oven and direct baking oven.

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同等条件下自制辐射器的干燥效率比热风干燥要高的多。The drying efficiency of the far-infrared radiator is higher than the sirocco drying.

一个不能忘记的全景是曼谷映入眼帘的就餐者在户外热风餐厅,达到64层顶端的国家的塔。An unforgettable view of Bangkok greets diners at open-air Sirocco Restaurant, atop the 64th floor of the State Tower.

生活在曼谷的上流社会,不夸张的,用鸡尾酒或在户外热风餐厅,位于国家的塔。Live the Bangkok high life, literally, with a cocktail or two at the open-air Sirocco Restaurant, located at the State Tower.

先用热风,快干时再改用冷风吹,这可是吹风不伤发的要害哦。Use sirocco first, wash-and-wear when convert again air cooling is blown, this can be hair drier does not hurt the key of hair.

无论何时,当你将头发理至其自然生长的相反方向,并用热风吹向发根,头发一定会翻翘起来。Whenever, the opposite way that manages the hair to grow naturally to its when you, blow Xiang Fagen with sirocco , the hair can turn over cock certainly.

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站在窗边,冷却塔散发的一股股热风迎面扑来,热气逼人,而且其运转时的沉闷响声也让人觉得心浮气躁。On windows, a cooling tower dissemination Unit sirocco coming waves, heat is pressing, but its operation, the boring beep It also makes people feel who are unsettled.

园林创新这股热风从南到北、从西到东的刮过来时,北京城似乎还依然沉睡在她几千年的文化古韵中。Innovation Unit sirocco this garden from the south to north, from west to east from the blow, Beijing seems to be still asleep in her thousands of years of cultural Guyun.

分析了电站采暖负荷的构成,并对传统的运用电采暖器采暖方式与发电机放热风采暖方案进行了经济比较。This paper analyses the construction of heating load and compares the cost consumption between the traditional electric central heating and the scheme about using sirocco hydro-generators produced.

深圳建准电机工业有限公司生产供应氩焊机用散热风扇。我企业是职业岀产散热扇子的公司,制品普遍运用在氩焊机、电焊机、暖风机、机箱、机柜等行业。My company is professional production comes loose the manufacturer of sirocco fan, the product applies extensively in the industry such as ark of argon welder, electric welder, warm fan, box, machine.