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一种鼓励的意义。A sense of encouragement.

我们都需要鼓励。We all need encouragement.

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任务评价的激励性。The encouragement of task assessment.

谢谢您的建议和鼓励。Thanks for your advice and encouragement.

我们用鼓励的话给她打气。We raised her spirits with encouragement.

提供反馈并激励志愿者。Give feedback and encouragement to volunteers.

没错,这给那些害羞的人鼓劲了。True, this provides encouragement to the timid.

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你温柔的鼓励消除我所有的担心。Your tender encouragement offloads all my worry.

当你需要鼓励的时候,你会找谁?Who will you turn to when you need encouragement?

你们得不到同志之谊,得不到鼓励。You will get no comradeship and no encouragement.

基督徒教会是真正没有阶级分野的社会。The church should be a community of encouragement.

给予学生更多的策勉鼓励。We should give more encouragement to the students.

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他在那里好象是为了鼓励每一个人。He seemed to be there for the encouragement of all.

没有你的鼓励,我不可能完成那项工作。I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement.

首先,要衷心感谢大家对开言英语的支持、鼓励和肯定!Thank you for your support, encouragement and love!

他们可以是指导和鼓励的资源。They can be a source of guidance and encouragement.

鼓励胜于责骂和批评。Encouragement is better than scolding and criticism.

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鼓励的笑靥于你我大有裨益。The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.

但是非洲大陆也有令人鼓舞的迹象。But there are signs of encouragement on the continent.

师爱是一种信任,一种尊重,一种鼓励。Teachers' love means trust, respect and encouragement.