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它是一种巨大的鳄鱼。It was a colossal crocodilian.

抬起一条罗圈腿,看到一张鳄鱼嘴。Raise a bowlegged, see a piece of crocodilian mouth.

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鳄类动物远从恐龙时代就已存在。Crocodilian animals have been around since the time of the dinosaurs.

持有鳄鱼倒想这通常会导致肌肉松弛。Holding a crocodilian upside down like this usually causes muscle relaxation.

短吻鳄是鳄鱼的一种,属短吻鳄科。An Alligator is a species of crocodilian that falls under the family Alligatoridae.

鳄鱼血液中有很牛的抗体,能治疗爱滋病!说说原因!There is very arrogant antibody in crocodilian blood, can treat AIDS! Say a reason!

7/13河豚下颚肌肉发达,能够像鳄鱼般凶狠,“咔嚓”一声咬断长喙下的猎物。A boto's jaw muscles can snap its elongated beak down on prey with crocodilian ferocity.

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在对这些痕迹进一步检查后,他们发现一颗鳄鱼目动物牙齿嵌在其中一块骨头上。On examining these marks more closely, they found a crocodilian tooth stuck in one of them.

很少有其他人会经历或资格,足以把你的鳄鱼采取侵略性。Few other people would be experienced or qualified enough to take an aggressive crocodilian off you.

该网站提供了有关23种鳄目动物种类的详细信息,包括其分布图、图谱、分类等。It provides detailed source of information on all 23 crocodilian species, including distribution maps, images, taxonomy, etc.

以不同颜色的鳄鱼皮拼接而成的晚装包剪裁独特,彰显出奢华魅力。Cut out unwanted material of becomes with the crocodilian skin joining together of different color late outfit bag is distinctive, reveal a costly glamour.

正如我前面提到,黑凯门鳄了混乱命名的历史,尽管人们已经认识到,因为它第一次描述为一个独特的鳄鱼。As I alluded to earlier, the black caiman has had a confusing nomenclatural history despite the fact that it has been recognized since it was first described as a unique crocodilian.

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鳄类的人工饲养在世界上是一种新型产业,它有二种饲养方式,但都必须具备种群、食物、资金和技术四个基本要素。Crocodilian farming is a relatively new industry in the world, there are two ways of crocodilian farming which must contain the four principal resources of stock, food, money and technique.

恐龙走向繁盛的原因目前看起来开始清楚了,在超级大陆泛大陆开始分裂的时候,持续了600,000年的火山活动,就是这些火山活动摧毁了恐龙的鳄鱼类竞争对手。The dino path to dominance appears to have been cleared when the supercontinent Pangea cracked, setting off 600,000 years of volcanic activity that wiped out the dinosaurs’ crocodilian competitors.