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现在采取强硬的措施尚未为时过晚。It is not too late for him to toughen up.

他的父母把他送到学校经受锻炼。His parents sent him away to school to toughen him up.

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但如果你想在布鲁克林工作,就得坚强起来。But if you’re going to work in Brooklyn, you got to toughen up.

在你开始打包剩余物品时,你得更严格地把关。Before you start packing up what’s left it’s time to toughen up.

并且他们想要26岁的斯洛伐克硬汉斯科特尔以增加防线硬度。And they want Slovakia hardman Skrtel, 26, to toughen up their defence.

加盐和酸能强化豆皮,可以使烹饪的时间更长。Salt and acid toughen the skins, which can making cooking time much longer.

从老寿星的密诀教育学生积极锻炼身体。Educate students from the know-how of old life star aggressive toughen body.

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而那些评分本来就比平均标准松的,根本不会觉得内疚,不会因此更严格。But those who are easier graders than average will never feel guilty and toughen up.

结果就是各国有关领养的法律条文越来越严格。The result is that individual countries increasingly toughen their laws on adoption.

合法的制药公司说中国必须加紧它对出口药物的管理。Legitimate drug companies say China must toughen up its regulations on exported drugs.

这段经历也会让你更加坚强,变成更加勇敢的人。This experience will also toughen you up and you will become a more courageous person.

这部电影也开创了对扮演士兵的演员进行军事化训练的先河。This began the whole practice of training actors to toughen them up for roles as soldiers.

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如果继续使用市面上卖的一般杀虫剂,那你就只是在帮小强增强它们生存能力。Continue using commercial insecticides and you’re just helping cockroaches toughen up their stock.

而参议院也有议员提倡给予白宫新的工具来强化对华政策。Members of the Senate also are pushing to give the White House new tools to toughen policy toward China.

但是俺们老板都开口了,大鸟也只有硬着头皮往上冲。But our boss started to talk, curassow also has upgrade of toughen one's scalp-brace oneself to rush only.

我们需要加强检查体系和标准,还要提高商人的道德标准。We need to toughen the inspection system and standards, and also raise the moral standards of businessmen.

Shanks表示,全球可承担不起全球全面实施扫描,但各国当局可以加强双重举措Shanks said introducing full scanning globally would be unaffordable -- but authorities may toughen a two-tier approach

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为此,瑞典政府近年来积极采取措施,加大法律对性犯罪的约束力。In response, the Swedish government has in recent years undertaken aggressive measures to toughen up its sex-crime laws.

为防止以上情况重演,执政党——大国家党的第一步棋,便是增强旧法,严格管制网络聊天。Against this backdrop, Korea's ruling Grand National Party is spearheading a move to toughen laws on Internet chat room abuses.

华佗又是中国体育疗法的先驱,他深信体育运动能强身健体,驱除疾病,延年益寿。He pioneered medico-athletics in China. He believed that physical exercises could toughen the body, cure diseases, and prolong life.