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他用正当的手段挣了一些钱。She made some money by licit means.

这样一来,损失就可视作为博取将来利润而进行的合法投资。Losses would then be a licit investment in future profits.

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如何在合法物流中发现非法物流,是巨大的挑战。Finding the illicit flows within the licit is quite a challenge.

在免疫的功能上合法和违法的滥用的很多药的影响在近年已经被广泛地检查。The influence of many drugs of abuse licit and illicit on immune function has been examined extensively in recent years.

罗马的统治被视为“正统”,拥有“罗马皇帝”头街的统治者被认为是“正宗”和“合法”的。The Roman's governing was considered legitimacy, and riders with the title Roman Emperor were regarded as orthodox and licit ones.

罗马的统治被视为“正统”,拥有“罗马皇帝”头衔的统治者被认为是“正宗”和“合法”的。The Roman's governing was considered legitimacy, and rulers with the title Roman Emperor were regarded as orthodox and licit ones.

以上数据表明了这些药物本来就很广泛的并且在日益增长的可获得性,这种现象会带来潜在的服药中毒危险,无论中毒的是由合法还是非法服药造成的。These data suggest increasingly wide availability of these drugs, which poses a risk of poisoning regardless of licit or illicit use.

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大麻属植物已有几千年的栽培历史,不论是作为合法的还是非法的作物在全球经济中起着重要作用,Weiblen说。The Cannabis plant has been cultivated for millennia and is important in the global economy as both a licit and an illicit crop, said Weiblen.

鸦片的低回报和合法作物的高回报,所有这些让农民们自愿地放弃鸦片去种植合法作物。Lower incentive for opium and higher incentive for licit crops all of this has caused a voluntary shift by farmers out of opium into licit crops.

保护知识产权,保护品种权人的合法权益,是今后我国种业发展的重大课题。Safeguarding sciential property right and variety patent persons' licit rights and interests was an important task in our seed industry development.

沃尔特斯表示,执意要生产违禁鸦片的"是土地所有者,他们强迫佃农种植罂粟,而不种合法农作物"。Those who drive the illegal opium industry, Walters said, “are the landowners, who force sharecroppers to grow poppy, rather than licit agricultural products.”

开发商的避税之举虽然不妥,但不能据此否认双方之间存在的合法买卖合同关系。The developer avoids taxes the action, although is improper, but cannot deny according to the above between both sides exists licit traffic congruent relationship.

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实质上,无论是哪种国有资产,其社会保障功能的实现形式问题都集中在如何按照社会保障事业的发展要求和自身性质合理、合法地使用上。Substantially, all of the state-owned assets' realization forms are focused on licit and rational uses according to their own characters and the need of development of social security business.