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它们是复杂的多倍体,其中一部分是四倍体,一部分是六倍体。They are complex polyploids, being partly tetraploid and partly hexaploid.

在株高,分蘖,千粒重等方面,材料之间存在极显著差异。Plant height, tiller number, and 1000-seed-weight showed significant differences among synthetic hexaploid wheats.

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然而,在自然条件下六倍体小麦中则无全糯质小麦存在,需要人工创造。However, there is no complete waxy mutant in hexaploid wheat under the natural condition and it need to be produced artificially.

同时,十二倍体较六倍体的叶绿体数目明显增多,叶绿素含量提高,但气孔密度减小。The number of chloroplast and chlorophyll content in the dodecaploid are more than hexaploid, stomatal density are lower than hexaploid.

系统分析不同小麦种的细胞质基因组遗传差异,用以发掘和利用新的小麦种质资源。ObjectiveThe goal of this study is to analyze the genetic diversity of chloroplast genome among hexaploid wheat populations and their relatives.

首次对中国特有小麦与其他不同类型六倍体小麦之间的遗传差异进行了系统分析。The genetic diversity between Chinese endemic wheat landraces and other populations of hexaploid wheat was systematically analyzed. As compared with T.

六倍体种B染色体组带型基本相同,四倍体小麦B组N—带种间有一定差异。The banding patterns of B genome of hexaploid wheats are basically same, but N-bands have definite differences among species of B genome of tetraploid wheats.

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用已育成的显性雄性不育六倍体小黑麦为母本分别与硬粒小麦、二粒小麦及黑麦杂交,并每代选不育株用原父本回交。The male-sterile plants from the crosses between dominant male-sterile hexaploid triticale and durum wheat as well as bearded wheat were backcrossed many times with the same male parents.

四倍体小麦-节节麦杂交,然后经染色体加倍创制的人工合成小麦为提高小麦遗传多样性提供了重要材料。Synthetic hexaploid wheat between between T. turgidum and Aegilops tauschii have played an important role in introgressing desirable traits from T. turgidum and Ae. tauschii into bread wheat.

由于六倍体小麦基因组的复杂性,小麦分子标记遗传图谱的绘制及其农艺性状的QTL定位研究落后于水稻和玉米等其它禾谷类作物。For the complexity of genome of hexaploid wheat, construction of molecular marker genetic linkage maps of wheat and QTL analysis are far behind of other cereal crops, like rice, maize and so on.

具有D染色体组的山羊草属种是六倍体普通小麦的二级基因源,蕴藏着丰富的抗性基因和遗传变异丰富,可供现代小麦改良利用。Aegilops species with D genome are the secondary gene pool of hexaploid common wheat for exploiting desired genes of wild species and enhancing the genetic diversity of commercial wheat varieties.