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他们的殴斗被防暴警察制止了。Their scuffle was stopped by the riot police.

这两个人先是争吵起来,接着又扭打在一起。The two men quarrelled and there was a scuffle.

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随后便发生了一场混战,莱娅杀死了蒂翁勋爵。In a scuffle that ensued, Leia killed Lord Tion.

目的是为在混战中受伤的儿子报仇。He was retaliating after his son was hurt in a scuffle.

在走廊外面,有扭打的痕迹和金属发出的声音。In the hallway outside, a scuffle of feet. A clink of metal.

此时,归来的谢易达发现两人,与安在勇一阵扭打。At this time, return XieYi reaches found that they, with a scuffle.

“巴斯基”民兵部队和一群年轻男性示威者发生混战。A scuffle broke out between Basijis and a group of young male demonstrators.

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在与洗牌者的混战中,粗暴暴徒的皱袖口被磨破。The gruff ruffian's ruffled cuff is scuffed in the scuffle with the shuffler.

这次选战暴露了美国法官选举制度的两点令人担忧之处。The scuffle has revealed two worrying traits of America's judicial elections.

那天晚上,简·爱听见她上层的那个房间里传来扭打声和呼救声。That night Jane hears a scuffle and a cry for help in the room just above hers.

然后母鸡笨拙地走到廊檐下,公鸡竖起羽毛,保卫她们。Then the hens scuffle under the verandah, the cock ruffles his feathers on guard.

就在梅子完全暴露身份的时候,矢野带领的狼牙特战队及时赶到,发生混战。At plum fully exposed the identity of the time, yano led spike team arrive in time, scuffle.

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在接近开普敦时,在走廊里发生了争执和厮打,我心里一沉。As Cape Town approached there was an argument and a scuffle in the corridor, and my heart sank.

韩绍功对此非常生气,和谢孝彰扭打了起来,责怪他不该作如此错误的决策。This is very angry, and HanShaoGong XieXiaoZhang scuffle up, blame he shouldn't be so wrong decisions.

⑤皮尔斯。布鲁斯南日前被一位摄影记者控告他在一次争执中对他采取暴力袭击。Pierce Brosnan is being sued for assault by photographer who claims the actor shoved him during a scuffle.

这是洛杉矶机场最近发生的明星与狗仔队之间的争端。The scuffle is the latest incident between celebrities and aggressive paparazzi at the Los Angeles airport.

据信,乔斯城一个基督徒社区的打斗引发了此次冲突。It's believed the fighting was sparked off following a scuffle at a mosque in a Christian neighbourhood in Jos.

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一阵慌乱的脚步声伴着一个黑影从前厅的门洞里钻出来,波克跑下台阶。There was a scuffle of feet and a dark figure emerged from the cave of the front hall. Pork ran down the steps.

随之而来的是扭打,政府官员和酒店人员很快把她带到车上,而后被带离。A scuffle ensued, and government officials and hotel staff whisked her outside to a car, and she was driven away.

在和警察的冲突中,Nyboe和Jonassen站在一辆货车顶上用话筒对人群大喊“往前推”,这一过程被录了下来。During a scuffle with police, Nyboe and Jonassen were filmed standing on a lorry shouting "push" into microphones.