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Bob耸了耸肩。Bob shrugged.

我感谢鲍勃。I thanked Bob.

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我是鲍勃道蒂。I'm Bob Doughty.

鲍勃翻滚着眼睛。Bob rolls his eyes.

我和鲍勃•道蒂。And I'm Bob Doughty.

“我干的,”鲍伯说。"It's me, " said Bob.

鲍伯的指距有8寸。Bob can span 8 inches.

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你好,李思语。我是王子晴!Hello, my name is Bob.

鲍勃怎么啦?What`s the matter Bob?

鲍勃和安年长一点。Bob and Ann were older.

鲍伯有一个小弟弟。Bob has a little brother.

但是鲍勃•鲁兹就是个传说。But Bob Lutz is a legend.

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鲍勃吉尔道夫是我们的班长。Bob Geldof is our monitor.

鲍勃·鲁普则有第三种看法。Bob Rupp has a third view.

但是家乡人喜欢鲍勃。But the natives liked Bob.

他在那里看到了他的朋友鲍勃。He saw his frend Bob there.

我是X公司的鲍勃·琼斯。I'm Bob Jones of X Company.

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我们是否了解鲍勃·杜尔?Would we know with Bob Dole?

“你无可救药了,”鲍勃说。“You’re hopeless,” Bob said.

我在研究法术规则,鲍勃。I’m doing formulas here, Bob.