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保护村子周边。Secure the perimeter around Ravenholm.

他的远投太不可靠吗?Was his perimeter shot too undependable?

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标明了那块田地的周界。A fence marked the perimeter of the field.

一道篱笆标明了那块田地的周界。A fence marked the perimeter of the field.

我在黑暗里怎么看出周围的警戒线呢?How am I to find the perimeter in the dark?

你用篱笆把四周围起来,把牛和人们都隔在外面。You fence the perimeter to keep out cows and people.

到了夜里,周遭的铁丝网都被灯光照亮。By night, the perimeter wire was illumined by lights.

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轻吹橡胶侧壁和周边耳。Lightweight blown rubber sidewalls and perimeter lugs.

卷边确定了端部部件的外周边。The curl defines an outer perimeter of the end member.

旅游地围栅外,军用吉普车穿梭而过。Beyond the resort's perimeter fence, army jeeps scud by.

如果该人侵犯其周边的狗会咬他。If the person infringes their perimeter dogs will bite him.

熟练地进行周长和面积的计算。Calculate the perimeter and the area of a circle skillfully.

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结果治疗后患者腹围明显缩小。Results All patients abdominal perimeter were sharp reduced.

研究小组在此地圈定了一个周长,开始着手清理这块区域。The team set up a perimeter and began sweeping the area clean.

通过在放置引起周边防止通过空洞。Placement of via at the perimeter prevents voiding caused by via.

朝鲜势力企图突破釜山周长。North Korean forces attempted to break through the Pusan perimeter.

巴蒂尔和斯通在外线防守曼努和帕克的时候太棒了。Shane and Rafer for their GREAT perimeter defense on Manu and Tony.

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卡拉博加兹戈尔湾在里海东岸,是一个盐湖。Kara-Bogaz-Gol is a saline inlet along the lake’s eastern perimeter.

由于屋顶有斜坡,所有的种植是沿着周边进行的。Since the roof slopes, all the planting was done along its perimeter.

你绕着它走啊走,无法立即找到进入的途径。You walk around its perimeter and you don’t immediately see a way in.