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使名字形象化。Visualize the name.

可取消可视化进程的对话框Cancelable Visualize progress dialog

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我想像不出他是什么样子。I cannot visualize what he looked like.

所以,告诉我----你是如何想像你的成功的?So tell me – how do you visualize your success?

设想你生活中想要的某样东西。Visualize something that you want in your life.

在每天清晨想想即将开始的一天。Visualize the day in the morning, before it starts.

核内包涵体不易见到。Intranuclear inclusions were difficult to visualize.

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现在您可以看到对模型所做的变更。Now you can visualize the changes made to the model.

数显手表的话,那就把它想象成有指针在上面。Digital watches. Visualize a clock face on the watch.

但2040年的美国是不难想像的。But America's future is not hard to visualize in 2040.

你试过在自己的脑海中呈现出一条数学公式吗?Have you ever tried to visualize a mathematical formula?

在你的脑海中你应该能够想象这一梦想。You should be able to visualize this dream in your head.

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尽管我不在那儿,那儿的情景我不难想像。Even though I was not there, I can easily visualize the scene.

你只要想像一下两个电视迷成天蜷在沙发里看电视的情景就明白了。Visualize two couch potatoes eating in front of the television.

真实的生活当然会不同于你的想象。Reallife will of course turn out differently than you visualize.

这个新视图使您能够可视化模块的连接方式。This new view enables you to visualize how your modules connect.

倘能设想自己成功,你就一定会成功。When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.

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他不信马丁内兹和布朗有谁能当得了排里的当家上士。He couldn't visualize either Martinez or Brown as platoon sergeant.

卡能,精于将客户的营销理念与展示要素完美结合。Kanon, we visualize customer's marketingncept and exhibiting elements.

所以,只有揭开心灵的幔帐,想象才会是真实。So visualize that reality, projecting it onto the screen of your mind.