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功大于过。One's merits outweigh one's short-comings.

不利因素远远超过了那可能获得的收益。The minuses far outweigh that possible gain.

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红唇香吻胜琼楼。Your red lips outweigh a magnificient tower.

但带来的好处远远大于不便。But the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences.

只不过,多数在数量上胜过少数。It's just that the numbers outweigh the minority.

尽管如此,她的书依然瑕不掩瑜。Still, the merits of her book outweigh such flaws.

这些行动的好处远远超过带来的损失。The benefits of such actions far outweigh the costs.

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但是饮酒的好处真比它所带来的危害要大吗?But do the benefits of drinking alcohol outweigh the risks?

这些好处将远远超过渔业短期内需承担的花费。And they far outweigh the short-term costs to the fishing industry.

一些奖励卡的年费与它们提供的福利失衡。On certain rewards cards, annual fees may also outweigh the benefits.

首先,红头文件的观赏性远远大于其建设性。First of all, the visual value of red tape far outweigh the constructive.

如果负荷过重,主梁的断裂是有可能发生的。It's possible that the beam may break if the loads outweigh its supports.

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的美国妇女被认为是具有高的患乳腺癌的风险的。"For average-risk women, the harms of MRI outweigh the risks, " she says.

如果论文的缺点明显比优点多,那就是。If the vices of the paper significantly outweigh the virtues, D that's a D.

但是能抠出时间来锻炼那真是利大于弊。But the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices it takes to carve out that time.

而我们认为,不进行研究的危险比进行这项研究的危险更大。We think that the risks of not doing research outweigh the risks of doing it.

我认为,香港仔旅游项目的利益将超过它的成本。I believe the benefits of the Aberdeen Tourism Project will outweigh its costs.

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但以色列若支持这项决议,潜在的利则远大于弊。But the potential benefits of supporting the resolution far outweigh the perils.

如果这些益处得到证实,那么长痣的危害——增加皮肤癌患病率——就显得微不足道了。Once confirmed, these will far outweigh the risk of skin cancer linked to moles.

很多高压力的城市也会提供很多好处,这些好处足以抵偿所带来的压力。Lots of stressful cities also have plenty to offer that outweigh the stress for some.