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淡色是纯色与白色混杂后的成果。A tint is the hue mixed with white.

酒色明亮,淡麦杆色略带一丝青绿。Bright white straw with a green tint.

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你们需要在黑暗的掩护下向南走。You'll need the dark tint in the south.

我想先来个面部按摩,然后修一下眉毛,画点眼影。first. Trim my eyebrows and tint the eyes.

这是照得不错的一张照片,可以看的出在某些光线下毛色程蓝灰色。The coat can look like it has a blue tint to it.

赤眼鳟因其眼上有红色,故而得名。Brown trout is named for the red tint on its eyes.

它的大叶子往往带点紫色。Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint.

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著色使得画面的色彩,但清除掉深色衣物。Tint leaves the footage colors but wipes out darks.

我们也加入了渐变色,要褪色暗灰色。We've added a graduated tint that fades to dark gray.

让色彩过饱和或者略微去色,变成锈红色,看起来像老照片。Oversaturate or slightly desaturate. Tint red to look old.

在闻到她身上的玫瑰味香水后,他选择购买一束玫瑰来表达自己的爱意。He had bought them after he noticed a tint of rose perfume on her.

我过去的音调与色彩已经消失,它们已经随着往事的梦境模糊地溜走了。The twilight is here. My days of old have vanished, tone and tint.

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其他选项包括放大、黑白、扭曲、素描和色调。Other options are huge, black-and-white, distort, sketch, and tint.

指甲上呈现出蓝色可能意味着身体没有足够的氧气。Nails with a bluish tint can mean the body isn't getting enough oxygen.

一个下午某人在春天注意了轻微的淡黄棕色的色彩。One afternoon someone noticed a slight yellowish-brown tint in the spring.

我们已经解决了导致萤幕闪烁与偏黄的问题。We've addressed the issues that caused display flickering and yellow tint.

提供网屏色调百分比,以实现准确色彩复制。Screen tint percentages are provided to enable accurate color reproduction.

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我想先来个面部按摩,然后修一下眉毛,画点眼影。I'd like to have a facial massage first. Trim my eyebrows and tint the eyes.

听到最后一个问题,萨米脸红了,虽然他的肤色深,但脸上的红晕还是清晰可见。At the last, Samy blushed, a tint that was visible despite his very dark skin.

违背着装规定者将会受到严厉惩罚,甚至有可能被开除公职。Plus blouses should be secondary tint. Violators will be punished sharply or fired.