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这是条林阴大道。This is a shady avenue.

出生和长大,遮荫P黑鬼。Born and raised, Shady P nigga.

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喜欢它夏天荫凉!Like it shady and cool in summer!

羊齿类植物生长在阴暗潮湿的地方。Ferns grow in shady and moist places.

在绿荫如盖的树旁有一个鱼塘。There was a fish pond near the shady tree.

你又有什么不可告人的糗事吗?。What sort of shady shit have you been up to?

站在荫凉的区域内,然后闭上眼睛。o Stand in a shady area then close your eyes

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坐在成荫的树下很舒服。It is comfortable to sit under the shady tree.

他们在阴凉的花园角落里闲聊。They chatted in the shady corner of the garden.

她是都柏林犯罪圈子中的可疑人物。She was a shady figure in the Dublin underworld.

那个乞丐躺在大街的阴面。The beggar was lying the shady side of the street.

贮于室内阴凉处,贮存期十个月。Storage for ten months in shady room and dry place.

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这位律师拒绝被拉入这种不明不白的事情中去。The lawyer refused to be drawn into such a shady case.

请放在阴凉乾燥地方,避免日晒雨淋。Placed in dry and shady , avoid sun-baked and wringing.

一个有野餐桌和树阴的公园似乎更好。A park with picnic tables and shady trees might be better.

推车有遮阳蓬,如果不能找到树阴,就带把遮阳伞。If you can't find a shady spot to sit, put up an umbrella.

汉克和尼克奉命保护一个可疑人物。Hank and Nick are tasked with protecting a shady character.

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我们在一棵老树下坐了下来,那儿有树荫很凉爽。We sat down beneath an old tree where it was cool and shady.

把客户的钱都骗光的可疑的证券经纪人。Shady stockbrokers who finagle their clients out of fortunes.

这个警察收贿,做一些无耻的勾当。The politician committed some shady acts by receiving bribes.