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魔兽世界这游戏真垃圾!Magic bestial world this real game rubbish!

班那哈罗是猛兽狂怒的极致化身。Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge.

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雪诺大人,这个野蛮的东西跑到长城这边来干什么?Lord Snow, what is this bestial creature doing on our side of the Wall?

当圣降临于人,在叶芝诗歌里,圣以兽之形式降临于人。The divine enters the human in these poems of Yeats's through the bestial.

你令她在贪婪的秉性与野蛮的生存所致的十字架上受难。You have crucified her on the cross of avaricious temperament and bestial living.

一百年前行得通的横蛮现在不容易,时空都不同了。Time changed, the strategy of being bestial a century ago is not easily applicable nowadays.

我只能说,我的描写,远远没有表达出实际发生的野蛮暴行。I can only say that my description falls far short of the bestial evil that actually took place.

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存于人身的野兽就是心灵,是无理智的,不可控制的。And the bestial is identified in Yeats with the heart and with the irrational and with the uncontrollable.

要侮辱某个人我们会叫他“野兽”。因为故意的残忍和天性,叫他“人类”可能是更大的侮辱。To insult someone we call him "bestial. " For deliberate cruelty and nature, "human" might be the greater insult.

“我不能永远都作为一个主帅是顶级的,因为你需要体力,一些野兽般的体力去做这个工作,”温格说。"I cannot for ever be at the top as a manager because you need physical strength, some bestial strength to do this job, " Wenger says.

甚至狗和狼,至少通过他们夜晚的嚎叫来判断,在月圆之夜它们似乎也会沉浸在一种超自然的情感中。Even dogs and wolves, to judge at least by their nocturnal howlings, seem to feel in some dim bestial fashion a kind of numinous emotion about the full moon.

这就是叶芝想象的,一种暴力的类型,其中,神圣进入凡人的身体,人类通过野兽般的暴力发现神圣。This is the type of the violent union that Yeats imagines in which the divine enters the human, and the human finds access to the divine through the bestial.

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事实上,在此诗中间部分,叶芝于创造与毁灭中徘徊,暗喻,此间也贯穿着兽性的力量。In effect, in that middle part of the poem, Yeats collapses creation and destruction, suggesting that the same bestial energy flows through both of these acts.

由于他天生的特性以及经过大自然仪式上的净化所养成兽性的战斗风格使他在战场上成为了一名不依惯例战斗的盟友。With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight.

1995年,上一次我生活在俄罗斯的时候,那里真是一片混乱--高犯罪率和克林姆林宫里独断专行的叶利钦。By 1995, the last time I lived there, Russia had disintegrated into a rudderless mess, defined most by a bestial crime rate and Boris Yeltsin's kleptocracy in the Kremlin.

我被嫉妒和愤怒冲昏了头脑,用仅有的受伤害的男人的盲目和残忍,冲进了屋子,爬上楼来到我妻子的房间。Crazed with jealousy and rage, blind and bestial with all the elemental passions of insulted manhood, I entered the house and sprang up the stairs to the door of my wife's chamber.

然而一些新的研究暗示,这两种数系,兽性的和天国的,有可能渊源颇深,一种来自于数学教育的带有潜在庞大暗示的见解。Yet a host of new studies suggests that the two number systems, the bestial and celestial, may be profoundly related, an insight with potentially broad implications for math education.

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但是,冷静、真实、客观的现实主义描写使沙汀难以忽视在兽道横行的盆地内女性悲剧性的生活状态。However, the reality is that Shating s style of writing makes it impossible to overlook the tragic condition of women who have lost touch with their humanity and turned to bestial ways.

发生于这名女孩和她男性朋友身上的兽行,引起国内学生和妇女的大规模抗议,上周末首都发生了暴力事件。The bestial attack on the girl and her male friend in the bus had sparked off protests by students and women activists which took a violent turn in the capital last Saturday and Sunday.

许许多多自豪的内尔万人战士被沦为丧失理智的怪物,他们的血肉与植入的瞄准光线、火控装置、爆能枪械等机械附件交织在一起。Many proud Nelvaanian warriors had been reduced to bestial monstrosities, their flesh coupled with intrusive technological additions, like targeting arrays, controlling devices, and blaster weaponry.