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那是一根橡皮筋。A rubber band.

拿出你的橡皮擦给我看。Show me your rubber.

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这是一个橡皮图章。This is. rubber stamp.

橡胶内胎。Inner tubes, of rubber.

橡皮管有弹性。The rubber tubes resile.

我要一些橡皮圈。I want some rubber bands.

橡皮球弹力好。A rubber ball bounces well.

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无痕橡胶外底。Non-marking rubber outsole.

这是篇关于橡胶的史话。Here is the story of rubber.

品牌标记的橡胶外底。Brand-stamped rubber outsole.

橡胶是一种弹性材料。Rubber is an elastic material.

新的充气橡胶轮胎。New pneumatic tyres, of rubber.

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橡胶管包围每一个。A rubber tube encloses each one.

非标记T243橡胶外底。Non-marking T243 rubber outsole.

皮革外底用橡胶鞋跟。Leather outsole with rubber heel.

山东恒达橡胶有限公司。Shandong Hengda Rubber Co. , Ltd.

新皮球跳得高。The new rubber ball springs high.

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他记得那个橡皮伐子吗?Had he remembered the rubber raft?

下雨时我都穿橡胶雨鞋。I wear rubber boots when it rains.

主要用作橡胶防老剂。Mainly used as rubber antioxidant.