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正在装置一门炮。The gun is being mounted.

她坚定地迈上台阶。She mounted the steps firmly.

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她慢慢地爬上台阶儿。She slowly mounted the steps.

骑兵骑的都是好马。The cavalry were well mounted.

每个人都骑上扫帚。Everybody mounted their brooms.

我们爬了二十分钟才到达山顶。We mounted it after twenty minutes.

选手们登上一座高山。The players mounted a high mountain.

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您想把他们装裱起来吗?Would you like to have them mounted?

他骑上自行车走了。He mounted his bicycle and rode away.

整套设备装在几个柱脚上。The complete unit is mounted on legs.

模型支承于空气静压轴承。The model is mounted on gas bearings.

推进器的叶片已经安装好了。The propeller blade has been mounted.

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显示文件空间和已挂载的系统。shows file space and mounted systems.

但是它们被明智地设为只读。But they are wisely mounted read-only.

如何显示已安装的文件系统?How do I display mounted file systems?

运输安装主轴的控制杆。Carriage mounted spindle control lever.

安装在汽车上的T-26坦克炮塔。T-26 tank turret is mounted on the car.

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进水口是安装在里面的。The water intake is internally mounted.

紧凑的设计,路基安装阀门。Compact design, sub-base mounted valves.

他把那幅画裱在绢上。He mounted the picture upon silken cloth.