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今后将每两年举办一次。The Festival will be held biennially in the future.

明导凡是每两年公布CHS工具集的新版本。Bright the new version that guides normally biennially releases CHS tool market.

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专家建议,枕芯至少每两年换一次,每周都晒一次。Expert proposal, pillow core at least biennially is changed, bask in every week.

从第七卷开始,每两年一卷逢双年的第一季度发行。From the 7th volume, itbeen published in the first quarter of even year biennially.

马佛青最高决策机构为每两年召开的全国代表大会。The highest decision-making body of YBAM calls for a National Convention biennially.

自此,主办国和其他人士每两年便赞助举行该会议。Since then it has held conferences biennially with sponsorship from host countries and other parties.

血液安全数据是由世卫组织每两年一次通过针对各国政府的综合调查收集的。Blood safety data are collected biennially by WHO through a comprehensive survey addressed to national governments.

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由处理杂志的烃的人员两年一次生产,这个手册类型工业参考消息今年已经被扩大。Produced biennially by the staff of Hydrocarbon Processing magazine, this handbook-type industry reference source has been expanded this year.

这一论坛至少每两年举行一次会议,有关国际组织可以以观察员的身份参加论坛的活动。This one forum at least biennially holds the meeting, concerned international organization can enter the activity of forum with the identity of observer.

日美“利剑”军演从1986年起每两年举行一次,是两国最大规模的实兵演习之一。The Japan-U. S. "Keen Sword" joint military exercises, held biennially starting from 1986, are one of the biggest actual-troop drills between the two countries.

存量住房交易指导价,由房管部门会同财政部门制定,并根据房地产市场情况每两年调整一次。Housing stock transactions resulted from the development of housing management departments in the financial sector, and based on real estate market conditions biennially.

欧洲联盟奖当代建筑-密斯凡德罗奖,2009年通过欧盟资助的培养方案,每两年颁发工程完成前两年。The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2009, funded through the EU Culture Programme, is awarded biennially to works completed within the previous two years.