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此前的候选杀微生物剂尚未被证明有效。Previous microbicide candidates have not proven effective.

药剂专家提供了模型与真实世界的一个关联课题。Microbicide experts took issue with the model's real-world relevance.

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介绍了在纸机抄纸系统应用国产有机溴类杀菌剂的情况。The application of organo-bromine microbicide made in china in papermaking systems were introduced.

在这种杀微生物剂中加入一种抗逆转录病毒药物应该也能防止艾滋病病毒的复制。The addition of an antiretroviral drug to the microbicide should also prevent the HIV from multiplying.

“但是我认为有把握说Carraguard作为单一的杀微生物剂并不起作用,”他告诉本网站说。"But I think it's safe to say that Carraguard as a sole microbicide agent does not work," he told SciDev.Net.

他还说Kiser的研究组可能从其它有杀微生物剂研究经验的科学家那里获得建议从而受益。He adds that Kiser's team may benefit from seeking advice from others with experience in microbicide research.

今年早些时候,一场临床试验首次表明一种杀微生物剂凝胶可能有助于预防艾滋病病毒。Earlier this year a clinical trial showed for the first time that a microbicide gel can help prevention of HIV.

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我感到有一种巨大的紧迫感,需要确保尽快开发出一种药片或杀微生物剂。"I feel a huge sense of urgency to make sure a pill or microbicide is developed as soon as possible, " he says.

大约445位女性获得了这种含有替诺福韦的杀微生物剂,它可以防止艾滋病病毒进入人类细胞,同时有444位女性获得了安慰剂。Some 445 women received the microbicide containing tenofovir, which prevents HIV from growing inside human cells

替诺福韦凝胶是第三代杀微生物剂,而且它在细胞内部阻止艾滋病病毒复制的方式是独特的。Tenofovir gel is a third generation microbicide and is unique in that it works within cells to stop HIV from replicating.

卫生专家说,在疫苗和杀微生物剂都在试验中失败后,预防艾滋病的研究需要把重点放在抗逆转录病毒药物上。Health experts say the vaccine and microbicide trials have failed to prevent AIDS research needs to focus on anti-retroviral drugs.

这些临床试验的数据对正在出现和未来的杀微生物候选制剂的研究人员和开发商将是必不可少的。Data from these clinical trials will be indispensable to the researchers and developers of emerging and future microbicide candidates.

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在经历了十几次以上的杀微生物剂试验失败之后,这条消息不啻是一种莫大的安慰,研究者们籍此也在会议上赢得了欢呼喝彩和长时间的起立鼓掌。After more than a dozen microbicide failures, it was a huge relief, and led to cheering and standing ovations for the researchers here.

第三,对于任何进入细胞的病毒来说,抗生素可以阻断一种病毒赖以复制的逆转录酶。Third, for any irus that did enter cells, the microbicide would block an enzyme, reverse transcriptase, that the irus needs to replicate.

他说当前口服替诺福韦是高度有效且安全的,而且替诺福韦杀微生物剂不同于此前的杀微生物剂。He said the current oral use of tenofovir is highly effective and safe, and that tenofovir microbicide differs from previous microbicides.

第三,对于任何进入细胞的病毒来说,抗生素可以阻断一种病毒赖以复制的逆转录酶。Third, for any virus that did enter cells, the microbicide would block an enzyme, reverse transcriptase, that the virus needs to replicate.

卫生专家说,预防艾滋病的研究在疫苗和杀微生物剂都在试验中失败后需要把重点放在抗逆转录病毒药物上。HIV prevention research will have to focus on antiretroviral drugs after both a vaccine and a microbicide failed in trials, say health experts.

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大约445位女性获得了这种含有替诺福韦的杀微生物剂,它可以防止艾滋病病毒进入人类细胞,同时有444位女性获得了安慰剂。Some 445 women received the microbicide containing tenofovir, which prevents HIV from growing inside human cells, while 444 women received a placebo.

在上周一次会议上,数十名科学家和公共卫生专家一致同意这项研究,认为需要加快抗病毒凝胶的普遍应用。Dozens of scientists and public health experts at a conference here last week agreed on the research needed to speed the microbicide to widespread use.

对BL—653G杀生剂进行了室内抗菌实验,着重阐述了投药量对杀菌率的影响。An experiment on the microbicidal effect of BL-653G microbicide is performed. The relationship between microbicide content and microbicidal rates has been elaborated.