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这是恶俗与摩登令人捧腹的组合。It's a hilarious mix of kitsch and modern wonder.

否则,即使采用了前卫的形式,也仅是媚俗的伪艺术。Otherwise, although in avantgarde form, it is but Kitsch.

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另一个省钱的好招就是避开那些俗气的艺术品。Another good place to save money is by avoiding the kitsch.

媚俗是存在与遗忘之间的中转站。Kitsch is the existence and transfer between the forgotten station.

地球上人的博爱将只可能以媚俗作态为基础。The brotherhood of man on earth will be possible only on a base of kitsch.

一个开发商如何正视从风俗到流行到媚俗的压力?How will a developer endure the pressure from custom, popularity to kitsch?

我们渴望“媚俗”能在人类前进的历程中发挥积极的作用。We are eager to "kitsch" in the history of mankind forward to play an active role.

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而现在,如同查理大桥和城堡一样,卡夫卡已经成为了布拉格媚俗艺术的一部分。And now, along with the Charles Bridge and the castle, Kafka has become a part of Prague kitsch.

这样大规模的整修工程打着美化城市形象的旗号,实则被指谪为民族主义退化的劣作。The overhaul is defended as a way to beautify the city, but it is decried as kitsch as regressive nationalism.

他带给这位超级英雄庄重感,从而扫除了缠绕它的俗气。He brought a gravitas to the superhero that wiped away the camp and kitsch that had shrouded Batman in cobwebs.

这个地方精致温馨,适合于朋友在此喝杯饮料聊聊天,或者是读读书、上上网。A nice, kitsch and cosy place to have a drink with friends, to spend the afternoon reading or surfing on the Internet.

在沉重的压力下,白杨的每一片嫩芽,每一片叶子都在努力向上,绝不弯腰乞求,更没有媚俗的奴相。In the heavy pressure, poplar buds every one, every leaf in hard, and never bend over to beg, not to the slave with kitsch.

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在会议室内坐满了表情严肃的官员,他宣布中国必须“坚决抵制”庸俗、低俗和媚俗的文化。To a roomful of grim-faced officials, he declared that China must “resolutely resist” vulgar, cheap and kitsch forms of culture.

这些早期电影充满了鲜活的美感、冷酷的格调和永远不屈从于任何阵营或流派的精神。These films exhibit a vibrant aesthetic sensibility, one that maintains a cinematic coolness that never succumbs to camp or kitsch.

通过实例分析得出我国的大多数广告片在商业利益侵蚀下开始迷失自我,向媚俗化方向发展。Our advertisement in the commercial interests began to lose under the self-erosion, which have to develop in the direction of kitsch.

如今,大叻在越南游客中很受欢迎,尤其是度蜜月的人,然而正是这种情况使得大叻快成了俗气和混凝土的混合物。Today, the town's popularity with Vietnamese visitors, honeymooners in particular, has rendered it largely a mixture of kitsch and concrete.

当媒体感到需要在最短的时间内以最少的代价攫取最大的市场份额时,受欢迎的就变成了垃圾和迎合低级趣味的作品。The popular becomes junk and kitsch when the media feel theneed to hijack as large a slice of the market as quickly and painlessly as possible.

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非主流原意本身是一个很小资和小众的圈子代表词,但在中国被严重恶俗化了。Non-mainstream intent itself is a very all property and all all the circles in China, but represent words that changed by serious catastrophic kitsch.

非主流原意本身是一个很小资和小众的圈子代表词,但在中国被严重恶俗化了。Non-mainstream intent itself is a very small property and small all the circles in China, but represent words that changed by serious catastrophic kitsch.

非支流原意自身是一个很小资和小众的圈子代表词,但在中国被严峻恶俗化了。Non-mainstream intent itimmolation is a very small property and small all the circles in China, but represent words that changed by serious catastrophic kitsch.