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但谁给这条鲤鱼扮演验尸官的角色呢?But who plays coroner to a carp?

我现在是乡村验尸官,兰金先生。I' m the county coroner now, Mr. Rankin.

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这些数据来自于州总验尸官的一份报告。The figures are in a report by the State Coroner.

这位法医表示,没有迹象显示彭日成死于谋杀。The coroner has said there were no signs of foul play.

尸体被掘出来,由验尸官重新验尸。The corpse was disinterred and re-examined by the coroner.

据克拉克郡验尸官称,死因是心脏骤停。The cause was cardiac arrest, the Clark County coroner said.

验尸官记录下一条非自然原因死亡的结论。The coroner recorded a verdict of death by unnatural causes.

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验尸官最近在一份验尸报告中确认死亡原因为自杀。A coroner recently confirmed in an autopsy report that the death was a suicide.

但验尸官给了狄更斯和哭号的女犯一个鼓励的眼神。The coroner gives a look of encouragement to the juror and the accused girl wails.

据传闻,在那个场合,验尸官说,“决不应再次发生这种情况”。On that occasion the coroner reportedly remarked that "this should never happen again".

据Fox43.com报道,佩里县验尸官认为,这些幼童都死于烟尘吸入。The Perry County coroner ruled the children died of smoke inhalation, reports.

加州橘县验尸官的发言人表示,彭日成的尸检定于周日进行。Mr. Pang's autopsy was scheduled for Sunday, said a spokesman for the Orange County coroner.

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一位验尸官陪审员已经证实戴安娜王妃和其男友多帝飞德是…A coroner 's jury has ruled that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed.

这位验尸官证实,杰克逊的体内含有致命剂量的强力麻醉药异丙酚。The coroner confirmed Jackson had lethal levels of the powerful anaesthetic propofol in his body.

她在22天后去世,验尸官出具的死亡原因是“氟尿嘧啶毒性后遗症”。She died 22 days later. The coroner gave the cause of death as "sequelae of fluorouracil toxicity".

洛杉矶相关人士在6月26日已做过尸检,但验尸官在数周内并不会发布最后的报告。The L.A. authorities autopsied the body June 26, but the coroner won't release a final report for weeks.

在后续的电话,死因裁判官表示,他认为警方的报告,并认为一切都在秩序。In a follow-up phone call, the Coroner said that he saw the police report and felt everything was in order.

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据法医透露,上周去世的著名时装设计师亚历山大·麦昆系上吊自杀,并在附近留下遗书。Fashion designer Alexander McQueen hanged himself last week after leaving a note nearby, a coroner said Wednesday.

洛杉矶郡的验尸官表示迈克尔的死因是由他所服用的药物引起的。The Los Angeles County Coroner declared Michael's death a homicide caused by drugs that had been administered to him.

负责本案调查的验尸官埃利萨•费利克表示,当她搜索杰克逊的房间时,她发现有椅子上有一壶尿液。Elissa Fleak, a coroner investigator, said she found a jug of urine on a chair when she combed through Jackson's room.