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这是对我们的政策的恶意歪曲。This is a slanderous misrepresentation of our policy.

我听到一些来意曲解她的话。I have heard some malevolent misrepresentation of her.

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虚假陈述侵权与契约法上的担保制度不同。Misrepresentation is different from warranty in the contract law.

对医学生、住院医生和研究员的应用的失实陈述已经被报道。Misrepresentation on medical students', residents', and fellows' applications has been reported.

审理虚假陈述案,则毋须比照这一蕴意一般消费者期待标准。The standard of implied ordinary consumer expectations is unnecessary in the case of misrepresentation.

这会导致对企业数据源中包含的数据的误解和误传。This can lead to misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the data contained in the enterprise data source.

论述了虚假陈述的概念、特征、表现形式和对虚假陈述性质的认定。This part expounds the conception, character, manifestation of misrepresentation and cognizes its properties.

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我想,拉夫最高兴的时刻莫过于在阿萨·哈钦森严重歪曲事实时,当场揭穿他。I thought Ruffs best moment was when he caught Asa Hutchinson red-handed in a telling misrepresentation of fact.

研究人员还告知,对他人意见的苟同以及对情感的不实陈述都属于谎言的范围。They were told that lies include things like falsely agreeing with others and the misrepresentation of feelings.

他指控白宫官员“歪曲事实,错误阐释,针对性的选择情报为战争辩护。He accused White House officials of "distortion, misrepresentation and selection of intelligence to justify the war.

加拿大媒体对少数族裔的歧视表现为再现不足和错误再现两种形式。Under-representation and misrepresentation are two forms of discrimination against ethnic minorities in Canadian media.

本人了解一切虚假资料将导致院方不录取或取消本人的入学资格。I understand that any misrepresentation of information may result in KDU revoking acceptance or terminating my enrolment.

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虚假陈述是证券侵权行为之一,主要包括虚假记载、误导性陈述和重大遗漏。As one of the infringements, misrepresentation contains false recordation, misleading representation and material omission.

结果出现了许多不能检测系统的传递测试,这会导致对代码健康状态的误解。The result is lots of passing tests that don't exercise the system, which leads to a misrepresentation of the code's health.

滥用包括严重歪曲的星象因素用来制造耸人听闻的夸大的公开声明。Misuse includes gross misrepresentation of astrological factors used to make sensational and exaggerated claims in public statements.

第二章着重分析了固定模式“蝴蝶夫人”产生的原因,以及由它所表现的对亚洲女性的歪曲。Chapter Two focuses on the cause of the formation of the stereotype"Madame Butterfly", and the misrepresentation of Asian women displayed by it.

唐纳德。特朗普这周刚开启就抨击媒体对他的国家债务评论进行了虚假陈述。Donald Trump is starting his week by firing back at media outlets for what he felt was a misrepresentation of his comments on the national debt.

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他还说,克林顿参议员的丈夫、前总统克林顿歪曲了他奥巴马在伊拉克战争问题上的立场。He also objected to what he called misrepresentation of his position on the Iraq war by Senator Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton.

而且,如此指鹿为马将会破坏公众对避孕套的信心,进而导致大家放弃使用避孕套,最终造成性病和艾滋病更加广泛的传播。Moreover, such misrepresentation can undermine the public's confidence in condoms, thereby leading to nonuse and to further spread of STIs and HIV.

而且,如此指鹿为马将会破坏公众对避孕套的信心,进而导致大家放弃使用避孕套,最终造成性病和艾滋病更加广泛的传播。Moreover, such misrepresentation can undermine the public’s confidence in condoms, thereby leading to nonuse and to further spread of STIs and HIV.”9