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但PGA巡回赛是最好的,是顶点。But the PGA Tour is the best,is the pinnacle

我想在PGA巡回赛里有着另外的选择。I think there are other options in the PGA Tour.

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然后,他放下了笔,重返巡回赛的赛场。He then put down his pen and returned to the PGA Tour.

我不认为他能在PGA比赛。then I don't think he should be able to play in the PGA.

德国人马丁-凯梅尔赢得去年的美国职业高尔夫锦标赛冠军。Germany's Martin Kaymer won the PGA Championship last year.

为什么你们认为,PGA不必给他一部球车?Why would you not say that the PGA must give him a golf cart?

结果他以一杆获胜,这是他在PGA巡回赛上的第14个冠军。The result was a one-stroke victory, his 14th on the PGA Tour.

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这是欧洲职业高尔夫沙漠精英赛,它的发生。This is where the European PGA Desert Classic it's taking place.

雇一名职业教练为你和老爸上上高尔夫课。Hire a PGA instructor for a series of golf lessons for you and dad.

购买物有所值的球杆组,上valueguide.pga.com去逛逛。Find out what clubs are worth at Then shop around.

我是说,看看叶杨在2009年美国PGA锦标赛击败老虎。I mean, look at Y. E. Yang beating Tiger at the 2009 PGA Championship.

从普利司通要求赛到PGA锦标赛,他的进步是很大的。His improvement from the Bridgestone to the PGA Championship was large.

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我还在世界各地参加过各种职业-业余选手配对赛。I have also participated in many international PGA Pro-Am events worldwide.

星期五,马克·奥米拉以41岁的年龄获得职业高尔夫球巡回赛年度最佳球员称号。Mark O'mera won the award of PGA Tour Player of the Year at the age of 41 on Friday.

邓肯·马克纳伯现任佛罗里达州迈尔斯堡六湖乡村俱乐部PGA运营总监。Duncan McNabb is the PGA head professional at Six Lakes Country Club in Fort Myers, Fla.

帕尔默第一次赢得PGA巡回赛中在美洲以外的赛事冠军,这也是他职业生涯的第三个胜利。Palmer won the PGA Tour season's first full-field event, the third victory of his career.

这将是PGA巡回赛赛季揭幕战中第四次仅有一位大满贯赛冠军参加。It will be only the fourth time that the PGA Tour season-opener will feature just one major winner.

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我与越多的PGA球员谈话,就越觉得老虎·伍兹将不会重返今年的名人赛。But the more PGA Tour people with whom I talk, the more I sense Woods might not return by the Masters.

在贝兹佩奇黑球场赢得美国公开赛,这是他在职业高尔夫协会巡回赛职业中所获得第二次胜利。Ucas Glover has won the US Open at Bethpage Black, getting only the second victory of his PGA Tour career.

卢卡斯·格罗乌尔在贝斯佩奇黑球场的美国高尔夫公开赛中获胜,这是他美巡赛后获得的第二个冠军。Lucas Glover has won the US Open at Bethpage Black, getting only the second victory of his PGA Tour career.