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一只沙漠蛛蜂正在吞食马利筋的花粉。The tarantula hawk wasp feeds on milkweed pollen.

斑蝶栖息在印度班加罗尔市内的一棵树的树枝上。Butterflies of the milkweed family sit on a tree branch in Bangalore.

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总的来说,帝王蝴蝶和其宿主奶草豆荚的漂亮程度是差不多的,既不多一分,也不少一分。Overall, a monarch butterfly is no more or less striking than its host, the milkweed pod.

王蝶以多种乳草属植物为食,它们从美国向墨西哥的迁徙过程极富盛名。Monarch butterflies—famous for their U.S.–Mexico migration—feed on dozens of species of milkweed.

有些被子植物的种子有蛛丝般的翅膀,例如蒲公英和乳草属植物的种子。In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds.

一些被子植物的种子是被轻飘飘的翅膀所装备的,像是蒲公英和乳草类植物的种子。In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds.

马利筋为自我保护如此认真地抵抗黑脉金斑蝶的侵袭,结果变得与蝴蝶难舍难分。In defending itself so thoroughly against the monarch, the milkweed became inseparable from the butterfly.

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泰勒教授呼吁在美国南部的人来帮助种植米尔克韦德的君主。Professor Taylor is urging people in the southern United States to help the monarchs by planting milkweed.

朱莉说,马利筋是一种生命力极强的植物,生出一丛丛灰绿色标枪似的茎,到了秋季可以长得一人多高。Milkweed is a tough old plant, sending gray-green javelins up in thick stands that can tower head-high by fall.

骨突干燥、单心皮的果实,仅沿着一个生出种子的合缝裂开,如飞燕草和。A dry, single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed.

在那里,他们留下的蛋乳草植物,在很短的时间后出现的君主下一代。There they leave their eggs on milkweed plants, with the next generation of monarchs appearing a short time later.

马利筋与黑脉金斑蝶肩并肩结成了一个单系统,互相影响共同进化。The milkweed and monarch, shoulder to shoulder, lock into a single system, an evolution toward and with each other.

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毛毛虫沉溺于蝴蝶杂草,马利筋的防护形式提供了一个自然抗病能力。A caterpillar indulges in butterfly weed, a form of protective milkweed which provides a natural resistance to disease.

举个例子,黑脉金斑蝶的幼虫就专吃马利筋,而马利筋也似乎只邀请黑脉金斑蝶来就餐。Monarch caterpillars, for instance, devour only milkweeds . And, it seemed, the milkweed invited only the monarch to dine on it.

缓慢的,散发着蜂蜜香味的花朵如礼花般绽放,七月的时候,池塘边的4英尺高的马利筋依稀长成了一堵屏风。The plants bloomed in slow, honey-fragrant fireworks, and by July there was a 4-foot wall of milkweed screening a dimly remembered pond.

帝王蝶的幼虫以很多乳草属植物为食,包括一些包含高水平强心甾的类型。Monarch caterpillars feed on any of dozens of species of milkweed plants, including some species that contain high levels of cardenolides.

假若仙女来了,我整晚不睡觉也不会觉得累。第二天我和仙女们一样,蜷缩在柔滑的乳草荚里睡到中午。If I met a fairy, I could stay awake all night without getting tired, then sleep all morning as fairies do, curled in a silky milkweed pod.

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环保署估计,即使马利筋叶片上每平方公分有高达150颗的玉米花粉,昆虫食用后也没有明显的危害。The EPA estimates that the insects face no observable harm when consuming milkweed leaves laden with up to 150 corn pollen grains per square centimeter of leaf surface.