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他们也对他们的婴儿咯咯咕咕的说话They would gaggle and coo back at the baby.

那位农夫在他的农场里饲养了一群鹅。The farmer rears a gaggle of geese on his farm.

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一群叽哩呱啦的女学生跟著网球明星到他的车子。A gaggle of schoolgirls followed the tennis star to his car.

她们全都放声大笑,像一群鹅一样嘎嘎地叫着。They all burst out laughing, sounding like a gaggle of geese.

轰轰烈烈的阿拉伯之春不可避免导致了大量实时书籍的涌现。THE Arab spring has, inevitably, spawned a gaggle of instant books.

当我开始负责一群实习生的时候,我就从中走出来了。I snapped out of it when I became responsible for a gaggle of interns.

有一天,苏西鹅环顾四周,并实现了她的只是鹅群之一。One day Suzy Goose looks around and realizes she's just one of the gaggle.

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他处理的媒体,赞助商和球迷们以非凡的沉着鹅群。He handled the gaggle of media, sponsors and fans with extraordinary aplomb.

我骑着自行车在小区里自由的闲逛,另外我还有一群叽叽喳喳的玩伴。I rode my bike all around the area with freedom and had a gaggle of kids to play with.

记得十岁那年有一天下午,我无意中成了一帮孩子的校外头目。One afternoon when I was ten, I found myself the leader of an after-school gaggle of boys.

不管怎样,维多利亚的小女儿不仅生来就有三位帅哥庇护,还继承了一大衣橱的衣服。Either way, Posh 's daughter inherits a gaggle of hunky older brothers and one heck of a wardrobe.

他说,有时一个学生刷了卡,然后一大堆学生就会跟着进去。He said sometimes one student will use a swipe card 'and a whole gaggle of students will come in.'

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麦田圈刚一被大众知晓立刻就吸引了一大群喧闹的自封专家。Almost as soon as crop circles became public knowledge, they attracted a gaggle of self-appointed experts.

不过为什么人群中总是男人讲着段子让一群女听众笑到炸裂呢?But then why is it that it's always the guy who tells the joke to a gaggle of enraptured female onlookers?

本月初,一群中国学者抵达津巴布韦参加一个把这种模式奉为圭臬的研讨论。Earlier this month a gaggle of Chinese academics arrived in Zimbabwe for a symposium in which the model was lionised.

本月早些时候,一组气态轩昂的中国学者抵达津巴布韦,参加对这模式顶礼膜拜的讨论会。Earlier this month a gaggle of Chinese academics arrived in Zimbabwe for a symposium in which the model was lionised.

并非因为他们是法国人,而是因为他们的婴儿,婴儿会讲些咯咯咕咕的婴儿语,而他们会以同样的婴儿语对婴儿进行反应Not because they were French, but they had a baby and it would gaggle and coo and they would respond in similar terms.

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但是,当一群人出现的时候,伍迪戴上了他起保护作用的帽子,走进楼里去了。But then, when a gaggle of pedestrians appeared, he jammed the protective hat on his head and dashed into the building.

图片中,一群鹅站在树下,丝毫没有察觉到狐狸正潜伏在附近伺机猛扑。The picture featuresa gaggle of geese standing under a tree, unaware that a fox is lurking nearby and getting ready to pounce.

图片中,一群鹅站在树下,丝毫没有察觉到狐狸正潜伏在附近伺机猛扑。The picture features a gaggle of geese standing under a tree, unaware that a fox is lurking nearby and getting ready to pounce.