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下一步是插入一个键。Next, a key is inserted.

她把硬币插入孔内。She inserted the coin in the slot.

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他在页边加了评注。He inserted a comment in the margin.

凡是新的信息就添进表中。Any new information will be inserted.

向这两个表中插入同一个示例行。A sample row is inserted in both tables.

他把木钉插入孔眼。He inserted the wooden peg into the hole.

插入的行不能被更新或者删除。Inserted rows cannot be updated or deleted.

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他在书中插入纸页,以标明他读到的地方。He inserted a slip marking his place in the book.

在插入螺栓之前,重新对齐阀杆和阀盖。Re-align stem and cover before bolts are inserted.

管的一头轻轻伸入直肠。One end of a tube is gently inserted into the rectum.

它将又一支香烟插入景泰蓝制的烟嘴。He inserted another cigarette into a c1oisonne holder.

点上一枝香,我把它插入小孔里。Point on a fragrance, I inserted into the holes in it.

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亨德森让即刻给他插入一个呼吸管。Henderson ordered a breathing tube inserted immediately.

如果进针熟练,你没有什么感觉。If the needles are inserted skillfully you feel nothing.

插入的磁盘已损坏,请插入另一个磁盘。The inserted disk is damaged. Please insert another disk.

插式背条,便于工作归类存档。The inserted type spine lable, easy to sort out and file.

上位的插入或位于花被之上的。Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.

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或用把刀从边上插入1吋,抽出后,刀上是干净的。Or until a knife inserted 1in. from edges comes out clean.

从光驱启动,系统启动失败,请插入系统盘后,按回车键。Requires a floppy disk to be inserted during system start.

插成花蓝或花束,以示尊敬、祝福之意。Inserted into flower or flowers, to show respect, blessing.