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我的眼睛带着迟钝和麻木的痛跳动着。My eye throbbed with a dull, numbing pain.

这个消息实在太惊人了,以致于他麻木到忘了哭泣。The news was too numbing for Jimmy to cry.

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如果你忙于让你思想麻木的工作——停下来吧。If you are too busy with mind numbing work – stop it.

这是一种令人麻木的工作,需要有耐心和忘我精神。It was numbing work, requiring patience and dedication.

然后,钻孔机钻头压断了我的后背,我痛的几乎麻木了。Then I felt the numbing pain of the auger bit crushing my back.

除了杀菌作用,丁香油还有麻痹功效。Clove oil has a numbing effect in addition to bacteria-fighting powers.

于是有了现在的Luke,他的行为是一晚上沉溺在酒精后麻木的失去真实感的结果。Now, here was Luke, his behaviour the result of a heavy night numbing reality.

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但运动锻炼抵消了骨形态发生蛋白的部分催眠效果,凯斯勒博士说道。But exercise countermands some of the numbing effects of BMP, Dr. Kessler says.

这种麻木的循环使其在西方人眼中的形象就是暴力和需求。This numbing loop has left many Westerners dulled to images of violence and need.

地下萤火虫幼虫会寄生于蠕虫和蛞蝓,使其麻木分解并以此为食。Underground larvae feed on worms and slugs by injecting them with a numbing fluid.

不含任何不必要的化学成分,比如麻醉产品,酞酸盐或是帕拉胶。Does not contain any dirty ingredients like numbing agents, phthalates or parabens.

他放弃了他的惯技,即以冗长、详尽、使人昏昏然的演说来扼杀反对意见。He refrained from his habit of killing opposition by long, exhaustive, and numbing speeches.

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据报告,唯一的不利影响,有时是痛苦或麻木的皮疹,持续6至24小时。The only reported adverse effect is a sometimes painful or numbing rash that lasts 6 to 24 hours.

相反,强迫性爱让人麻木,有一种麻醉的效果,这个方法曾一度有效。Instead compulsive sex produced a numbing narcotic-like effect which for a time served its purpose.

由于对医生残酷的预言毫无准备,他的话对我犹如五雷轰顶,灵魂出壳。Unprepared for the doctor's grim prognosis, I heard his words fall heavily on my ears, numbing my soul.

当他宣布他接受总统候选人提名的时候,震耳欲聋的掌声响彻了整个礼堂。When he announced that he was accepting the nomination an ear- numbing thunder broke through the auditorium.

芬太尼很容易上瘾,尤其危险的是,因为患者往往觉察不到其麻木影响。Fentanyl is highly addictive and particularly dangerous because the patient often doesn’t feel its numbing affects.

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我们跟踪着使人惊呆的数据信息,像是十年前每年死于这一可预防疾病的百万非洲人民。We tracked numbing statistics like the million Africans who died annually from this preventable disease a decade ago.

这些工作往往使人身心疲惫,而且往往在肮脏并且令人难以忍受的酷热活着严寒的条件下工作。The work is physically exhausting, mentally numbing and often performed in filthy and unbearably hot or cold conditions.

今天我牙疼,就抹了点麻药,结果抹多了,整个嘴都麻掉了。Today, I had a toothache and applied some numbing gel to sooth the pain. Too much came out and made my whole mouth numb.