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所以,问题的防火安全是相对的更多。So the problems of fireproofing security are relative more.

铝塑复合板的厚度对防火特性也有影响。The panel thickness also affects the fireproofing characteristics.

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砂浆、塑料和防火搅拌器满足任何搅拌需要。Stone Mortar, Plaster and Fireproofing mixers fit every mixing need.

不像其他的衣服,你不能用烘干机把防火衣烘干。Unlike other clothes, you cannot use a dryer for fireproofing a cloth.

文中用该方法对坦克舱进行了防火设计。With this scheme, the tank cabin fireproofing design has been completed.

爱草爱花爱森林,无视防火等于零。Ignoring fireproofing is equal to zero even if you love grass, flowers and forest.

对公共区域的防火区,不安全的区域,丢失和无效的安全设备进行巡查。Patrol public fireproofing area, unsafely area, lost control or unsafely equipment.

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对电缆着火原因进行分析,并提出了一些具体的防火措施。This paper analyzed the causes for ignition of cables, and gave some fireproofing measures.

整个夏季都要运用这些简单的防火设施。Keep up with fireproofing through the summer by implementing these simple tools for the season.

尾泥可用作生产新型干法水泥及耐火材料的原料。Tailing slurry can be used as raw materials for dry process cement production and fireproofing materials.

防火堤作为备用体系,其抗震验算程序的通用性具有实用意义。Fireproofing dyke is used as spare system, general character of antiseismic checking program is practical.

最重要的发现是它可以被用来加工制作防火材料,如防火衣。Most importantly it has been discovered as something that works well in fireproofing textiles or clothing.

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通过这个软件,这件服装还具有防火,防辐射等很多功能。And base on this software, this garment also can have fireproofing and radiation protection function and so on.

复合混凝土伞基地,其中有耐水,防火,耐压,防锈打样。Compound Concrete Umbrella Base, Which Are Water-Resistant, Fireproofing , Pressure Resistant, And Rust Proofing.

按国内规范,单体建筑防火分区的最大面积无法满足使用功能要求。According to our criterion, the largest fireproofing subarea of monomer building can' t meet the application need.

水溶性涂料由于具有成本低、环境污染少及防火等优点而得到广泛应用。Water soluble coatings have been widely used for their strengths such as low cost, little pollution and fireproofing.

以厦门国际航空港空运货站为例,说明大空间建筑的消防问题。This article′ s author takes xiamen international airport air cargo transport station as an example to explain the fireproofing problem.

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本文把森林灭火看成是一个系统,称为灭火系统。文中用最优化方法讨论了这个系统。In this paper the forest fireproofing was regarded a system and the methods of optimization were used to solve some problems of the system.

硅钙材料具有轻质、火、温诸优异性能,但吸水率高。Calcium silicate material has distinguished properties such as lightweight, fireproofing and heat insulation , but with high water absorption.

不准私自接电源或检修电器开关,以防止触电事故。Economize on water and electricity use. Attention on fireproofing. Do not wire the apartment or repair the electricity switch without permission.