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空气中弥漫着大麻烟的味道。The air smelled distinctively like marijuana.

你是说你吸过大麻了?You mean – have you actually smoked marijuana?

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一个真正的大麻经济刺激计划应运而生!A veritable marijuana economic-stimulus package!

吸了几口大麻后,他兴奋起来了。He was switched on after smoking some marijuana.

他把大麻藏在他们家的柴火堆里了。He is hiding marijuana in his firewood, " the man says.

凯瑟琳可以闻到大麻浓厚的甜蜜芬香。Katherine could smell the high sweet scent of marijuana.

我开始吸大麻是因为它能给我一种叛逆感。I tried marijuana because it gave me a sense of rebellion.

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研究表明,大麻对恶心呕吐和食欲不振也有治疗效果。Marijuana has also been shown to affect nausea and appetite.

但是让大麻远离科罗拉多人的脑海是个更艰巨的任务。But getting marijuana off Coloradans' minds might be tougher.

这是在洛杉矶,所以也有“医用”大麻流动。It's LA, so there's also "medicinal" marijuana wafting about.

这个国家从来就没有将大麻的个人使用判定为非法行为。The nation has never criminalized marijuana for personal use.

事实上,在美国的许多地区,大麻已经合法化了。Marijuana is already practically legal in many parts of the US.

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这么说,您那一大麻袋甘草就是为了这个?Say so, you is that marijuana bag licorice for the sake of this?

水、咖啡、茶或来根大麻烟吗?不用了,谢谢,不需要。Water, coffee, tea, a marijuana cigarette? No, thanks. I'm fine.

最有讽刺意味的是,最头脑清晰的章节是关于大麻的那一章。Ironically, the most clear-headed chapter is the one on marijuana.

政府去年宣布打算将大麻除罪化。Last year the government announced plans to decriminalize marijuana.

只应大麻种子浸泡,直到主根已经出现。Marijuana seeds should only be soaked until the taproot has emerged.

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抽大麻在美国相当普遍,以致很多人提议对此免刑或减刑。Marijuana is so common in the U.S. that many want to decriminalize it.

他们几乎不会提及大麻和甲基安非他命的区别.They drew little or no distinction between marijuana and methamphetamine.

这对反文化搭档以大麻相关的喜剧最为知名。The counter-culture duo are famous for their comedy routines about marijuana.