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这个男孩必须补考英语。The boy was conditioned in English.

他们得补考化学。They were conditioned in chemistry.

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它们都是缘起的、无我的。They are all conditioned and not Self.

什么是条件刺激,暴力行为。What's the conditioned stimulus? Violence.

我的支出取决于我的收入。My expenditure is conditioned by my income.

身边都是他的条件刺激。Those are all the--his conditioned stimulus.

不管你做何反应,他的爱总是无条件的。His love is not conditioned by your response.

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什么是条件反应,恶心,非常好。What's the conditioned response? Nausea. Perfect.

她很快就使孩子们适应了寒冷的天气。She soon conditioned the children to the cold weather.

那个叫狗舔卵蛋的人是巴夫洛夫吧?Was it Pavlov that conditioned his dog to lick his nuts?

条件反应又是什么,恐惧,很好。What would be the conditioned response? Fear. Excellent.

方法的调用程序按条件对轿车和卡车区别对待。Methods are conditioned to differentiate cars and trucks.

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那么,条件刺激又是什么,老鼠。So there--what would be the conditioned stimulus? The rat.

杜洛克的体况在产仔时更容易掉膘。Duroc are more likely to be over conditioned at farrowing time.

所以,我们习惯性地声称自己不大信任他人。So we are conditioned to claim that we don't trust people much.

这样的情况发生越多次,早泄越来越变成一种惯常反应。The more this happens the more it becomes a conditioned response.

正如此政策的名字所说,它是暂时的并且是以工作为条件的。As the name says, TANF is temporary, and is conditioned on working.

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病的病原虫,人感染率较高。Human demodex is a conditioned parasite with high infestation rate.

该大楼有约25,500平方英尺的带空调的办公室。The building provides about 25,500 sq ft of air- conditioned offices.

符合条件的进行酶联免疫吸附试验。Conditioned media was analyzed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.