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小田就开始用该手铐去羞辱绫。Using them, Oda humiliates Ayane.

小田认为何洪有古怪,便决定进行调查。Oda think He Hongyou eccentric, decided to investigate.

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小田因为好赌欠债,被袁斌送到美国唐人街工作。Oda for good gambling debt, was taken to the Chinatown working Yuan Bin.

小田阅毕日记后大受感动,主动到医院探望小明。Oda big moved after read the diary, actively to the hospital to visit Ming.

小田看见小明在训练班中与同学相处融洽亦感安心。Oda saw xiao Ming in the training class get along well with classmates also feel secure.

花拉的公司倒闭,小田因而变成无业游民,加上丧子之痛令小田失去斗志。Take firm, oda thus become unemployed, and the pain of lost children make oda lose morale.

小田等人从蒋元口中,终于得悉袁斌年轻时也是泰拳冠军的往事。Oda et from jiang yuan mouth, finally we Yuan Bin and muaythai championship when I was young.

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小明兴奋不已,情不自禁冲上台与小田拥抱庆祝胜利。Xiao Ming was so excited, couldnt help but rush on with oda embrace to celebrate their victory.

在某种意义上,这次ODA政策调整反映了日本在新世纪的战略调整及外交方向。In a sense, the adjustment of ODA policy implies the adjustment of Japans strategy and diplomacy.

当开发你自己驱动的运行时部分时,需要利用ODA运行时驱动的插件项目。The ODA Runtime Driver Plug-in Project is used when developing the run-time portion of your driver.

袁斌对小田所为看不过眼,不但强迫他戒赌,还要他抽时间陪伴小明。Yuan Bin of oda do see but eye, not only forced to discourage him, he even some time with xiao Ming.

袁斌亦一早看穿小田的心事,故支持儿子对蒋励展开追求。Yuan Bin also see through oda mind early in the morning, so to support son started to pursue niura y.

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小田认为蒋进的证供可疑,决定利用自己的电脑技术加以调查。Oda think Jiang Jin evidence for suspicious, decided to use their own computer technology to investigate.

本剧最后还在给织田各种理由借口让他将他的个人的价值观强加于其他学生。The show then continues to lead into more excuses for Oda to continue forcing his personal values onto the students.

原来蒋励一直是小田的梦中情人,小田趁机与她聊天以加深了解。The original niura y has always been of oda dreams, oda the chance to chat with her in order to deepen understanding.

我们构建图形界面时需要使用ODA设计器插件,该插件是报表开发者使用相应的驱动时所需要的。The ODA Designer Plug-in Project is used when constructing the GUI, which is called when a report developer uses your driver.

刑场上,小田用计想要诈李梅说出葛云下落未果,并被李梅怒斥一通,终残忍的将李梅杀害!On the execution ground, oda maneuver to cheat li mei say GeYun whereabouts, and li mei nu scold, end the cruel to kill li mei!

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本文针对十八胺停炉保护剂在锅炉启动时对凝结水精处理系统离子交换树脂的影响及防止措施进行研究。This article study not only the influence of ODA on ion -exchange resin when the boiler starting up but also the resolving ways.

伦敦奥运交付管理局在去年将管理运行事宜的责任托付给了伦敦交通局,但其自身也依旧扮演着统筹协调的作用。The ODA passed responsibility for operational matters to Transport for London last year, but retains an overall co-ordination role.

蒋升失势的事在坊间流传,小田还在公司与同事乱说蒋升是非,蒋升对小田大为不满。Jiang Sheng lose things in there are rumours, oda blather Jiang Sheng is with my colleagues in the company, also Jiang Sheng of oda.