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1936年,爱德华八世与美国一位离过婚的妇女相爱了。Edward VIII fell in love with an American divorcee in 1936.

而10年的婚姻完全能够让40年的离婚生活也变得值得起来。Ten years of marriage more than justifies 40 years as a divorcee.

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目前失业的25岁女子与离婚的母亲住在一起。The unemployed 25-year-old woman cohabits with her divorcee mother.

先生,今天过的怎么样?那个D开头的是什么来着的?比如,离婚专业户?How are you doing today, Mister? What's that D word again? Let's say, divorcee?

1936年,爱德华八世与美国一位离过婚的妇女相爱了。Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson Edward VIII fell in love with an American divorcee in 1936.

十一月二十七日,加州南门市的一名离异者,二十二岁,被谋杀后从一辆行驶的小汽车内抛尸。On November 27 a South Gate divorcée twenty-two was murdered and thrown from a moving car.

母亲去世两年后,父亲迷上了一个余韵尤存、离过婚的乌克兰金发女人。Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blond Ukrainian divorcee.

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有了孩子的再婚妇女不再用前夫的姓,而用新丈夫的姓。The remarried divorcee with children does not incorporate her divorced husband ' s name in her new one.

嫁给爱德华三世后创造了立宪政体使他退位的美国离婚者。American divorcee whose marriage to Edward VIII created a constitutional crisis leading to his abdication.

因此来说,对桑德拉的多重角色我不感到意外,在我眼里她是奥斯卡获得者、婚姻离异者、孩子的妈妈。It came as no surprise to me that Sandra segued from Oscar winner to divorcee to mother in the blink of an eye.

不过,作为一名离异家庭的孩子,且身为一名仳离者,我也知道通往真爱的阶梯并不服坦。However as a child of divorce, and a divorcee myself, I also know that the course of true love never runs smooth.

不过,作为一名离异家庭的孩子,且身为一名离婚者,我也知道通往真爱的道路并不平坦。However as a child of divorce, and a divorcee myself, I also know that the course of true love never runs smooth.

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每个离婚的人都应该得到这种服务——还有那些结束长期恋爱关系的人。Every divorcée should be offered this service –along with anyone in a long-term relationship when it comes to an end.

此前,王储和莱蒂齐亚的罗曼史是被严格保密的。莱蒂齐亚曾经是一位著名的电视节目主持人,而且还离过婚。The crown prince's romance with a woman who was a well-known television presenter and a divorcee had been kept a secret.

连首相斯坦利·巴尔德温也不行--他代表国家说英国不想让一个离过婚的美国人成为王后。Not even Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who spoke for the nation when he said Britain did not want an American divorcee for a queen.

通过20世纪中叶,这个词“同性恋”,一般称为“无忧无虑”,如阿斯泰尔和罗杰斯电影的同性恋离婚者说明。Through the mid 20th century, the term "gay" commonly referred to "carefree", as illustrated in the Astaire and Rogers film The Gay Divorcee.

这部电影将于周四进行全球首映,是根据辛普森和爱德华八世离婚为背景的一部舞台剧。The film, which has its premiere on Thursday, is a drama loosely based on US divorcee Wallis Simpson and her relationship with King Edward VIII.

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金融危机迫使最近离婚和她十几岁的儿子迈克和山姆定居下来,她的父亲在加利福尼亚州小镇圣世。Financial troubles force a recent divorcee and her teenage sons Mike and Sam to settle down with her father in the California town of Santa Carla.

这位前国王爱德华八世放弃王位的世为了结婚,一个离过婚的美国人成为辛普森。1998年,“当我仅仅是。”The former King Edward the VIII abdicated the throne in order to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, an American divorcee. 1998, "When I was meditating."

当爱德华八世下定决心,宁愿不做国五也要与一位离过婚的美国妇女辛普森结婚时,他交出了自己的王冠,退位了。But in less than a year he was to relinquish the throne in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, and his younger brother had to take over.