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“孩子”是MGMT的第三支单曲的专辑玄妙壮观。Kids" is the third single from MGMT's album Oracular Spectacular."

现代的占卜术中,最需要改进的焦点就是如何去提问一个问题。Central to this modern oracular technology of change are the questions we ask.

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现在我会进入回答问题的神谕状态。I will now go into the oracular trance from which I shall answer your questions.

“卡帕拉,你这预言性的话,都得归功于我脸刮得好,”内洛说。Capare, that oracular speech of yours is due to my excellent shaving", said Nello."

这不仅是“道法自然”所引出的一种理想境界,也是经济自由所追求的目标。It is an oracular rule and the objective that the economic freedom pursues as well.

他认为气味比眼看更有说服力----是更生动的口头表达、更可靠。He thought the scent a more oracular inquisition than the sight, more oracular and trustworthy.

1977年,陕西周原出土带字卜甲190多片,其中有6片刻有用六个数字组成的易卦。From 1976 to 1977, over 190 pieces of oracular shells inscribed were excavated at Zhouyan, Shaanxi Province.

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后先知书则是诗歌型和神论似的著作,预言家被认为是完成这部作品的人。The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.

后先知书则是诗歌型和神论似的著作,预言家被认为是完成这部作品的人。The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.

皮媞亚会以一种不同于平常的声音传达神谕,并倾向以吟咏的方式回应,说出的尽是暧昧的文字游戏与双关语。During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns.

这就是雷焕章神父主持的研究所探讨的问题、藉由对商朝甲骨文的研究,雷神父将继续研究拓展此一论点。This is the problem investigated by Jean Lefeuvre from the perspectives he developed throughout his research on Shang oracular inscriptions.

其天启式、神谕性的基调让观众一睹渗透整个日本社会的焦虑和不安情绪。Also, the apocalyptic and oracular tone provides the spectators with a glimpse of the anxiety and inquietude penetrating current Japanese society.

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这是卡耐基经典的自我帮助类著作,股神沃伦•巴菲特和杀人魔王查尔斯•曼森都是本书的信徒。Carnegie's classic self-help book counts people as diverse as oracular investor Warren Buffet and murder-mastermind Charles Manson among its acolytes.

卜辞内容主要是跟征伐有关,大字用双刀刻,充份表现出「雄健宏伟」的书体风格。The oracular inscription's contents primarily have to do with punitive expeditions. Two strokes were used to carve the large characters, which fully demonstrate an energetic calligraphic style.