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为自己的财政违规而指责他人并不会减少我们的债务。Blaming others for our own fiscal indiscipline will not reduce our debt.

负疚的双亲用礼物和放松管教来迁就孩子。Guilt-ridden, parents then indulge their children with gifts and indiscipline.

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力拓案中的某位官员就回忆称,中国的银行办事真是杂乱无章,他都被吓到了。Someone involved in the Rio deal recalls meeting a bank in China and being staggered by their indiscipline.

不可能发生。印度只有肮脏、污秽、无纪律性和人口暴炸,这种情况会永远存在下去。Impossible. Not going to happen. Only dirt, filth, indiscipline and population explosion in India for next infinte years.

或者是1991年的比尔克林顿,充满了想法和理性的好奇,直到我们了解违背规则会怎样消弱一个人价值?Or Bill Clinton in 1991, fizzing with ideas and intellectual curiosity, before we knew how indiscipline would diminish him?

尽管发展速度颇可观,但由于人口过多和公共生活中的无纪律性,我们正往混乱方向发展。We are ahead ing towards chaotic conditions due to over population and indiscipline in public life despite sizeable growth.

小布什上台后,为了弥补其父亲的缺乏远见以及克林顿的毫无纪律性,在追求宏伟堂皇以及精确准时上面走得过了头。Bush compensated for his father's lack of vision and Clinton's indiscipline with his own excesses of grandiosity and punctuality.

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印度也创造奇迹。除了公众生活的不守纪律和公务员的官僚作风之外,我们也同样很棒。India also did wonders, we are equally superb, barring indiscipline in public life and bureaucratic approach by our Govt. servants.

小布什上台后,为了弥补其父亲的缺乏远见以及克林顿的毫无纪律性,在追求宏伟堂皇以及精确准时上面走得过了头。George W. Bush compensated for his father's lack of vision and Clinton's indiscipline with his own excesses of grandiosity and punctuality.

长期大量吸烟者、工作压力大、生活不规律所导致的记忆力减退、面色有滞、目围灰暗。People who smoke long term and large amount, great work pressure, hypomnesis caused by indiscipline life, dim complexion , gloom periorbital.

平民毫无纪律性,对国家不忠诚,特别是公务员和政客。Civilians and especially the government people and politicians have total indiscipline and absence of any sense of loyalty to country or countrymen.

由于美军违纪和对空袭的严重依赖,大量平民死在美军枪下,这成了发生在阿富汗和伊拉克的战役的特征。The killing of large numbers of civilians by American forces, through indiscipline or heavy reliance on air strikes, has marked the campaigns in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

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这一点为德国以及欧元区北部存在贸易顺差的成员国所深恶痛绝,他们认为正是由于南方国家的挥霍无度和无节制预算,导致了欧元区今天的问题.This is anathema to Germany and other surplus northern euro zone members who blame the single currency's ills on the profligacy and budgetary indiscipline of their southern neighbors.

这名20岁的球员在上最后阶段参加淘汰赛阶段对阵乌干达的比赛中擅自,尼日利亚足协发言人不断指责他“完全没有纪律性”。The 20-year-old pulled out of a qualifier against Uganda at the end of last season, with a Nigeria Football Association spokesman accusing him of a "gross act of indiscipline "over the row.

这名20岁的球员在上赛季最后阶段参加淘汰赛阶段对阵乌干达的比赛中擅自离开,尼日利亚足协发言人不断指责他“完全没有纪律性”。The 20-year-old pulled out of a qualifier against Uganda at the end of last season, with a Nigeria Football Association spokesman accusing him of a "gross act of indiscipline " over the row.