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回到大学的话题。So back to grad school.

是摄氏三十度,对不对?。Sind das 30 Grad Celsius?

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白领人士,大学毕业。White collar, college grad.

月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。The moon shines on Kyushu, grad.

你现在是研究生一年级。You're a first-year grad student.

是指本科学位和毕业证明吗?B. Med. degree and grad certificate.

你为什么要读研究生?Why did you decide to go to a grad school?

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今年初,一个法律系研究生验证了这个理论的成效。One recent law grad put the theory to test.

这是他们要在学院里学习掌握的能力。This is a skill that they forge in grad school.

我用了半灰半白式的中灰渐变镜来暗化天空。I used a split grad ND filter to darken the sky.

大学生应比非大学生挣钱多?Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?

他完全符合我的蓝图,白领人士,大学毕业。He really fit the bill. White collar, college grad.

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研究生入学体系是什么样的?How does a system of getting into grad school work?

你做为一个研究生学习有困难吗?Do you have any difficulties in studying as a grad student?

然而,也有一部分人放弃读研。However, there are also parts of people abandon grad school.

在我上研究生的时候,我的舍友给我介绍了意大利蛋饼。I was introduced to frittatas by my roommate in grad school.

对于进修的学校,我可能回去波特兰。Well, for grad school, I'm probably going to go to Portland.

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胡教授说,大多数的校漂人都想考研。Hu said most of the school-drifters aim to enter grad school.

胡教授说,大部分“校漂一族”都打算考研。Hu said most of the school-drifters aim to enter grad school.

第一种办法是你去找助教,他们一般是研究生,The first is that, you go to TA, which is usually grad student