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我差点把车撞到路灯柱上。I nearly ran into a lamppost.

灯杆昨夜被风吹倒了。The lamppost blew down last night.

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那条狗在街灯柱旁嗅来嗅去。The dog was sniffing at the lamppost.

匆忙之中,他的头撞到了一根电灯杆上。I ran my head into the lamppost and hurt it.

小心!你差点撞倒电线杆上去了。Watch out! You almost ran into the lamppost.

她太困了以至于撞到了路灯杆上。She was so sleepy that she ran into a lamppost.

文戈撞上了路灯柱,手臂受了伤。Vingo charged into a lamppost and hurt his arm.

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匆忙之中,他的头撞到了一根电灯杆上。In his hurry he ran his head against a lamppost.

听好,这件事只有你知、我知和路灯柱知。Listen, this is between you, me and the lamppost.

我沿大街跑的时候撞上了路灯杆。Running down the street, I knocked up against the lamppost.

福特将马车锁在灯柱下以防止被偷。Ford chained the carriage down to a lamppost to keep it from begin stolen.

也许这可以帮助你找到能令你清醒一点的数据灯柱。Maybe that can help you approach the data lamppost with a bit more sobriety.

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就算我宿醉未醒被绑在路灯柱上无法用手,我也比她写得好。I write better when I’m hungover and tied to a lamppost without access to my hands.

这灯柱堆肥垃圾和使用甲烷作为燃料的副产品权力的灯。This lamppost composts trash and uses the methane byproduct as a fuel to power the lamps.

但这就像在路灯下找寻一个人丢失的钥匙,因为那里更亮一些。But this is like looking for one's lost keys under the lamppost because the light is better there.

芭蕾舞娘优雅地以脚尖站立,把另一只瘦长的腿伸到身后,正像一只狗把脚斜靠在灯柱上一样。The ballerina rose gracefully en pointe and extended one slender leg behind her like a dog at a lamppost.

荃湾发生私家车撞灯柱意外,一名驾「积木车」的新牌私家车司机及一乘客死亡。A newly qualified driver and another passenger were killed in a car crash in Tsuen Wan when a reassembled car hit a lamppost.

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我们看到街区那头的黄色凯迪拉克想要左转弯,可我们的巷子太细了,汽车撞在了一根灯柱上。We saw the yellow Cadillac at the end of the block trying to make a left-hand turn , but our alley is too skinny and the car crashed into a lamppost.

可以说是生理特征使然,或者直白一点说就是男性荷尔蒙使然,驾车时不小心撞上电线杆的总是-或者说大多是-男性。Call it biology, evolution or just testosterone, but chances are that the driver of the mangled vehicle wrapped around a lamppost is — or maybe was — male.

一些东西--包括一根街灯柱--被错误地识别为相册中的人脸,它甚至还要求给我拍摄的雷诺阿作品中的人脸加标签。A few things -- including a lamppost -- were falsely identified as faces in my photo albums, and it even requested name labels for the faces in photos I took of Renoir paintings.