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纽约是她唯一的选择。There was, for Danielle Minkoff, only New York.

丹尼尔沉吟片刻,“我从来没听说过他。”Danielle thought a moment. "I've never heard of him."

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在一周工作日内,我真的很喜欢照顾丹妮尔。I really like looking after Danielle during the week.

丹尼尔•伊根是一位常住巴黎的作家和记者。Danielle Egan is a writer and journalist living in Paris.

但丹尼尔没打算擦掉眼泪,她害怕她的妆会因此晕掉。Danielle didn't wipe them, for fear of disturbing her makeup.

我是霍奇太太能和丹妮尔说话吗?。Hi. It's, uh, mrs. Hodge . May i please speak with Danielle ?

詹姆士和丹妮拉是一对夫妻,他们已经做出一个很困难的决定。James and Danielle are a couple who've made a difficult decision.

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我认为你的报告令顾客印象深刻,丹妮尔。妳做得很好。I think your presentation impressed the client, Danielle. You did a good job.

当丽塔,一位公共关系顾问,怀孕并产下他们的宝贝女儿丹妮尔之后。When Rita, a PR consultant, got pregnant and had their baby daughter Danielle.

丹尼尔·尼伦贝格称,粮食贮存问题应该引起更多的关注。Danielle Nierenberg says more attention needs to be paid to protecting harvests.

丹尼尔•伊根采访诺贝尔奖文学家加缪的女儿,凯瑟琳•加缪Danielle Egan interviews Catherine Camus, daughter of the Nobel Prize winning author

丹妮系个好样嘅英国女孩,佢好善良,也常陪伴著我。Danielle is a beautiful British girl, she was very kind, and is often accompanied me.

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我姐夫和丹尼尔有来往,我敢肯定她告诉他我说的话了。My brother-in-law and Danielle converse often, and I am fairly certain she told him what I said.

你还会在一部系列影片当中扮演主角吗?Would you ever commit to the lead role in a movie series again? — Danielle Higson, St. John's, Nfld.

你还会在一部系列影片当中扮演主角吗?Would you ever commit to the lead role in a movie series again? — Danielle Higson, St. John’s, Nfld.

丹尼·斯莫利用赔偿金成立了用于石油管道安全教育的丹尼尔·多恩·斯莫利基金会。Danny Smalley used settlement money to start the Danielle Dawn Smalley Foundation for pipeline safety education.

几秒后,就在丹尼尔再次启动皮卡后,气体迅速燃烧成一个火球将两个孩子活活烧死。Seconds later, as Danielle restarted the truck, the gas ignited into a fireball, burning Danielle and Jason to death.

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来自华盛顿的世界观察研究所的丹尼尔。尼伦贝格用了一年的时间走访了撒哈拉沙漠以南的25个国家。Danielle Nierenberg from the Worldwatch Institute in Washington spent a year visiting 25 countries south of the Sahara.

你没去过,中心公园的老木偶剧院吧?好主意,但是我还在给丹妮尔拍录影带。Have you ever been to the old puppet theatre in central park?That sounds great But I'm still in the studio with danielle.

丹尼拉1977年7月9日出生于吉隆坡,父亲是爱尔兰人,母亲则是中、马混血儿。Danielle was born in Kuala Lumpur July 9th 1977, whose farther is Irish while mother is mixed-blood of China and Malaysia.