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往下沉的轮船沉没了。The sinking steamer sunk.

你们的轮船什么时候启航?When does your steamer sail?

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这艘轮船曾停靠3个港口。The steamer touched at 3 ports.

柴油机取代了蒸汽机。Diesel engine obsoletes steamer.

这是一艘开往国外的轮船。It was an outward-bound steamer.

让咱们乘船去杨州吧!Let's go to Yangzhou by steamer.

配合蒸气使用效果更佳。Recommanded to use with steamer.

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这艘轮船将向西偏北方向航行。The steamer will go west by north.

一声汽笛长鸣,轮船抛锚开走了。Away went the steamer with a whistle.

阿替克轮船在海上失事。The steamer Artic was wrecked at sea.

配合蒸气使用效果更佳。Highly recommanded to use with steamer.

乘客上了轮船。The passengers loaded into the steamer.

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轮船在一个阳光明媚的早晨起程了。The steamer set out on a sunny morning.

轮船被迷雾包围。The steamer is enveloped in a dense fog.

轮船沿海岸顶风航行。The steamer was beating along the coast.

将糯米放在镬或蒸笼上蒸熟。Steam the glutinous rice in a wok or steamer.

他说我要去有一个蒸笼球吗?He said i was gonna have a ball on the steamer?

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轮船启航时见你在码头上。Standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away.

掀笼屉时小心热气嘘着手。Don't scald your hands when you open the steamer.

如果我有两章船票,你愿和我一起走么。If I had two steamer tickets, would you go with me?